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Gibraltar 300 years and counting.

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I've been to Gibraltar a few times and it always amazes me how the Spanish put up with it, how would we feel if a bunch of foreigners set up camp on the end of Cornwall or something


They did, it's called Wales

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I've been to Gibraltar a few times and it always amazes me how the Spanish put up with it, how would we feel if a bunch of foreigners set up camp on the end of Cornwall or something I think we would soon be kicking off.I think we should give it back to them we are not the gunboat nation we used to be anymore,its part of their land we stole of them years ago..give it them back but make sure we take everything home with us and leave it as we found it a barren piece of nothing I think even the monkeys we imported from somewhere else they are not even natives..


Should we give Orkney back to the Danes then?


I think that the British living on Orkney would be rightly upset with that somehow...

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People arguing whether Gibralter should be British or Spanish, it's like the UK and Argentina having a hissy fit over the Falklands. Let the people of Gibralter decide.


They have, several times and overwhelimingly want to remain British.

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Invade. What are the Spanish gonna do?


We own most of the Canaries & Balearics anyway.


And there's me thinking they are both Spanish territories, one of which is closer to Morocco so maybe Spain should hand it over.

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I don't know anything about the orkneys never been there all I know is we go to these far off places make a dump into an thriving oasis they see us and they want a piece of the action, its the same as the Falklands with the Argies,what we should do is invade a nice sunny island take all the English Irish Welsh and Scottish and leave all the foreigners here,they would be floating on logs and rubber dinghies to follow us,all they want is our money and system..

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Argentina haven't managed much so far though.


I mean if Spain really want to invade let them - we can get the US in to fight for us as well as the rest of Europe :-)


Perhaps not but I reckon Argentina is just about ready for another crack and were trying to get the UN on their side at one point. I hope these territorial claims just don't turn violent just for the sake of it

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