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Gibraltar 300 years and counting.

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I know the Spanish are hot heads I'm married to one but I don't think they would ever invade military,the government just want some money from it the Spanish economy is in chaps they see a successful economy on their doorstep and they want a piece of it, most Spanish people would jump at the chance to work in Gibraltar they do not want to upset anything,most of the workers there are Spanish,they live over the border and they get a lot more money working in Gibraltar,the house prices and rents are a lot cheaper in Spain.if we moved out and took all our money away it would not take them long to run it down.

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Its all a political game. It is the very nature of politics.


There is no harm or malice in it. Just business negotiating.


The Spanish just want better terms on fishing rights and the British will not offer them anything, for now.


Gibraltar is nothing to do with sovereignty but Britain having a foothold in the Gibraltar straights, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. What we would lose & what we would pay to use those if we werent in Gibraltar would raise the price of oil we pay for dramatically. And most of our import & export shipping costs.


If it wasnt for that then we woulda handed it back to Spain a long time ago.


Then they'll come to an agreement and will be having a glass of wine & eating paella together by the end of the year.

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Its all a political game. It is the very nature of politics.


There is no harm or malice in it. Just business negotiating.


The Spanish just want better terms on fishing rights and the British will not offer them anything, for now.


Gibraltar is nothing to do with sovereignty but Britain having a foothold in the Gibraltar straights, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. What we would lose & what we would pay to use those if we werent in Gibraltar would raise the price of oil we pay for dramatically. And most of our import & export shipping costs.


If it wasnt for that then we woulda handed it back to Spain a long time ago.


Then they'll come to an agreement and will be having a glass of wine & eating paella together by the end of the year.


Genuine question...why would our oil be more expensive? Are you saying that if Gib. wasn't British we wouldn't be able to use the Straits?

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We would have to pay to use it & we would lose or revenue we gain from it.




I'm still not sure how this would make it more expensive for us to buy oil?


What we would lose & what we would pay to use those if we werent in Gibraltar would raise the price of oil we pay for dramatically. And most of our import & export shipping costs.



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I think we should impose a £50 travel tax on all passengers flying to, or flying back from Spain. It might dent the popularity of Spain as a tourist destination.


No No its far easier to impose a levy on any Spanish passport holder either leaving or entering British territory anywhere in the world:P

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