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Would You Have a Gun?

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Why should I as a former military man bother to discuss anything relating to that with someone like you?


You werent even born when I was in service I'm glad though that I was fortunate enouigh not to have someone like you around me. Your type are the ones who fumble around, drop a loaded weapon and kill or wound somebody. :D


Now you have bored me beyond all reason. Time to wrap it up. Go bore someone else for a change


Does this mean no more unrelated asinine anecdotes? :hihi:

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It's only in the movies that it's done right


I've seen enough dead bodies before so i went up and had a proper deck myself.


Sure enough, death by hanging. One of the employees in the warehouse.

Guess that makes you a movie star then


So.. I've seen suicide close up which is more than most have and deaths by gunfire and mortar fire long before that.

Your point being?


Seriously, do you ever actually think before you post? You're forever responding with unrelated posts or simply contradicting one of your earlier posts


---------- Post added 11-08-2013 at 23:29 ----------


You mean like


Seattle police officer spots elderly (and partially deaf) man carving a piece of wood with a 3 inch pen knife. Cop goes after him, shouts for him to drop the knife and then shoots five times as the old guy turns and folds the knife up.


I find it terribly sad and alarming that one cop sees an old man with a small pen knife and sees him as an immediate deadly threat so shoots him until he's dead, while in other parts of America a cop might see someone carrying an assault rifle openly slung over their shoulder and not see it as a threat.

Not only that, they'd admire it and compare it to their own assault rifle (which they happen to have tucked away in the patrol car)!

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I've got three guns which I use regularly ... a lightweight semi-automatic mastic gun, a high-powered staple gun (capable of firing 13mm staples) and a small hand-held Rexel for recreational paper stapling.


So you claim, but if you were faced with a life threatening situation what would you do?

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So you claim, but if you were faced with a life threatening situation what would you do?


To be honest, it's just my way of saying that I don't want a gun. I wouldn't trust myself with one ... not that I'm some kind of homicidal psychopath, just that I tend to have accidents. It's a curse. :)

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To be honest, it's just my way of saying that I don't want a gun. I wouldn't trust myself with one ... not that I'm some kind of homicidal psychopath, just that I tend to have accidents. It's a curse. :)


I was referring to your arsenal of DIY guns and your claim that they're only for recreational purposes :suspect:


I think given half a chance you'd be out there in your Marmite-man costume, punishing the wicked, adhesing and sealing them in the name of justice :o



You, of course, have a good point though. There are many people who have years of experience and training with guns but still manage to have accidents (

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You may find there's one or two bereaved families who disagree with you on that


So if one maybe two shoot themselves each year (which according to some on here seems to be the preferred method) suicide is dying out.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:50 ----------


You, of course, have a good point though. There are many people who have years of experience and training with guns but still manage to have accidents (

Giving a talk on guns and using a loaded firearm must be just about the most stupid thing that could have been done.

In the army we only used 'Drill Rounds' which by their appearance stood out a mile from actual live rounds.

Live rounds were only loaded into firearms on the firing range or a live firing exercise.

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So if one maybe two shoot themselves each year (which according to some on here seems to be the preferred method) suicide is dying out.

It isn't just one or two a year though, it's more like 19,392 in the US (source)

And although nobody on here has claimed that it's the preferred method (you made that part up) it does seem to be more popular than poison and suffocation, according to those stats.



Giving a talk on guns and using a loaded firearm must be just about the most stupid thing that could have been done.

In the army we only used 'Drill Rounds' which by their appearance stood out a mile from actual live rounds.

Live rounds were only loaded into firearms on the firing range or a live firing exercise.

Yep, that's the trouble, people do make mistakes with guns.


More examples

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To be honest, it's just my way of saying that I don't want a gun. I wouldn't trust myself with one ... not that I'm some kind of homicidal psychopath, just that I tend to have accidents. It's a curse. :)


It's a great pity that national service was abolished. Although it was not much loved by those of us who were called in retrospect it did a lot of good in many ways.... more than we realized at the time.


Whether one liked it or not we were taught the use of weaponry and even if after service that person never had any desire to see or use a gun again at least no ex solder ever turned into a freaked out wimp at the sight of a firearm

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It's a great pity that national service was abolished. Although it was not much loved by those of us who were called in retrospect it did a lot of good in many ways.... more than we realized at the time.


Whether one liked it or not we were taught the use of weaponry and even if after service that person never had any desire to see or use a gun again at least no ex solder ever turned into a freaked out wimp at the sight of a firearm


Fantastic post! ... I feel humbled, and at the same time wimp-like. :thumbsup: (:rolleyes:)

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