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Would You Have a Gun?

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I currently have two .22 rifles and and 9mm semi auto pistol. The rifles are used mainly for target shooting but are also good for small game. The pistol is used for target shooting, it could be used for defence but isn't needed where I live as its a very very low crime area. Looking at getting a shotgun for hunting and maybe a .22 pistol. All are in a gunsafe!!!

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It wouldnt bother me. I personally would have a handgun in a safe in my bedroom & probably a shotgun in the house too. Cant be too careful.


The thing is though, when you consider the fact that you're more likely to hurt yourself or someone entirely innocent by accident than you are to ever need to and actually effectively use a gun for the purpose of self defence, that becomes kind of silly.


Owning guns is the opposite of careful, it's reckless.

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I personally would have a handgun in a safe in my bedroom & probably a shotgun in the house too. Cant be too careful.


Some good it will do you locked in a safe when you need it suddenly in the night with an intruder breaks it. Under the pillow mate, umbrella stand, leg holster, down your pants. If I lived in America I would definitely want a gun but I do feel safe in this country without one.

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Some good it will do you locked in a safe when you need it suddenly in the night with an intruder breaks it. Under the pillow mate, umbrella stand, leg holster, down your pants. If I lived in America I would definitely want a gun but I do feel safe in this country without one.


In this day and age that's a comforting thing to think and hear, good on ya!

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The thing is though, when you consider the fact that you're more likely to hurt yourself or someone entirely innocent by accident than you are to ever need to and actually effectively use a gun for the purpose of self defence, that becomes kind of silly.


Owning guns is the opposite of careful, it's reckless.


Eh? How so? :loopy: Maybe a half wit might might end up injuring himself or someone else accidentally.

Anyone else with half a brain can get firearms safety training and handling very easily

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I love this.


Old guy answers his front door, gets hit straight in the face with a baseball bat by some youths wanting to rob him, old guy gets out gun and shoots them. Had his gun nice and handy. They have a law in some states I believe called "stand your ground" or something like that. Meaning if you are attacked in your home by an intruder, you can shoot them dead.

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No I wouldn't want a gun. I wouldn't want the responsibility of possibly taking someone's life. After all that's mainly what such a weapon is used for. You can defend yourself without a gun.


Unless THEY have one of course

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