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Would You Have a Gun?

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No I wouldn't want a gun. I wouldn't want the responsibility of possibly taking someone's life. After all that's mainly what such a weapon is used for. You can defend yourself without a gun.


Ahh, so would you protect your family against an intruder brandishing an AK with your karate skills? That would probably work.

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Unless THEY have one of course


True, that said, if anyone held a gun to me. The last thing I would be doing is worrying about if I can shoot them back or not.


I would find it really hard to live with myself if I did shoot someone and killed them.


Ahh, so would you protect your family against an intruder brandishing an AK with your karate skills? That would probably work.


Most people don't have such skills. Plus I wouldn't even think about challenging them if they had a gun at me. Property can be replaced. A life can't.

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True, that said, if anyone held a gun to me. The last thing I would be doing is worrying about if I can shoot them back or not.


I would find it really hard to live with myself if I did shoot someone and killed them.


Have to say owning one is not a thought i care to entertain.

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No. If I had a gun, I'd end up shooting someone (not because I harbour a constant hidden rage, but because I am not answerable for my actions when woken repeatedly several nights running by silly drunk people who feel that they have not had a good night out unless they have shouted about it, at length, in the street. Extremely irritating, but nothing to die for). Tranquilizer darts, on the other hand - I'd happily buy those ...

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It's easy to say you wouldn't have a gun but think about those in Texas, I'm betting most people have guns just because everybody else has one so you're just putting yourself on a level playing field rather being at a disadvantage for not having one.


Probably best I didn't have one though, I think I'd be trigger happy on buses every time an idiot parent gets on the bus who doesn't give a crap about their kid making a racket all over the place, or when a chav is playing music through a phone, or when people don't have their money/pass ready as they're getting on the bus.


"THIS IS A HOLD UP!...You're holding up the bus! HURRY UP!...selfish".

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The thing is though, when you consider the fact that you're more likely to hurt yourself or someone entirely innocent by accident than you are to ever need to and actually effectively use a gun for the purpose of self defence, that becomes kind of silly.


Owning guns is the opposite of careful, it's reckless.


Eh? How so? :loopy: Maybe a half wit might might end up injuring himself or someone else accidentally.

Anyone else with half a brain can get firearms safety training and handling very easily


Here Harley, look at some numbers - — In 2010 in the U.S., 606 people died from an unintentional shooting.


— In 2011,14,675 people were wounded in an unintentional shooting but survived.


— In 49 percent of unintentional shooting deaths, the victim is shot by another person.


— Thirty-three percent of U.S. households have a gun, and half of gun-owning households do not lock up their guns, including 40 percent of households with kids under age 18.


A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a completed or attempted suicide (11 times more likely), a criminal assault or homicide (seven times more likely), or unintentional shooting death or injury (four times more likely) than in a self-defense shooting.



Figures taken from - http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/04/11/guns-child-deaths-more-than-cancer/2073259/

— Most unintentional shooting deaths occur in the home (65 percent), based on data from 16 states. The most common context of the death (30 percent) was playing with the gun.

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Why would anyone be upset about taking someones life in self defence? In my book if someone tries to kill someone or threatens to, they deserve whatever is coming their way!


And what about the family of that person you shot/killed, how do you think they would feel?

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And what about the family of that person you shot/killed, how do you think they would feel?


I wouldn't particularly care to be honest! So should you let them kill you to spare the feelings of their family? Why is it an alien concept in this country for people to be responsible for their actions? It's always someone else's fault!

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I wouldn't particularly care to be honest! So should you let them kill you to spare the feelings of their family? Why is it an alien concept in this country for people to be responsible for their actions? It's always someone else's fault!


How selfish. I would probably kill in self defence if there was no other way, but I can't imagine I'd actually feel good about it.

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