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Would You Have a Gun?

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Why, there are plenty of ranges in the US where you can shoot safely. I am a member of a sportsman club that has outside ranges of 15,25,50,75 & 100 yards. An indoor archery range, a trap range and a fishing pond. All just 10 minutes drive from my house.


I really don't want the hassle of driving anywhere, I just want to sit on the porch and blast casual targets for kicks. But it's a fantasy - living in Sheffield I wouldn't need a gun in the house for anything. Plinking with an assault rifle (especially at odd hours) would upset the neighbours. Even plinking with my beloved HW75 is pretty much out of the question.

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Here Harley, look at some numbers - — In 2010 in the U.S., 606 people died from an unintentional shooting.


— In 2011,14,675 people were wounded in an unintentional shooting but survived.


— In 49 percent of unintentional shooting deaths, the victim is shot by another person.


— Thirty-three percent of U.S. households have a gun, and half of gun-owning households do not lock up their guns, including 40 percent of households with kids under age 18.


A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a completed or attempted suicide (11 times more likely), a criminal assault or homicide (seven times more likely), or unintentional shooting death or injury (four times more likely) than in a self-defense shooting.



Figures taken from - http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/04/11/guns-child-deaths-more-than-cancer/2073259/

— Most unintentional shooting deaths occur in the home (65 percent), based on data from 16 states. The most common context of the death (30 percent) was playing with the gun.


Well it all boils down to the fact that if someone is determined to commit suicide they'll do it anyway with or without a gun. They could jump off a bridge and cost the county a few thousand dollars having to dredge the river, divers and all that, searching for and recovering the body. They could jump from the top of a freeway overpass and land on some poor bugger's car, or worse yet under it causing that poor bugger a long period of nightmares, or they could hang themselves or stick their heads in a gas oven, the latter two options very unpleasant for the police if the bodies have been dead for a few days before discovery....So because a person does not have a gun it does not mean that they wont do it anyway. We're talking a state of mind here not a question of being very particular on the method to be used There are multiple homicided in Chicago every week. Gangs shooting other gangs. Those numbers are significant when it comes to tallying up deaths through firearms.


I really didnt see the point of anyone starting another thread on gun control. It's been hacked to death already.


This lot here have guns and you lot dont have guns and that's just the way it is and there's no changing it

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Well it all boils down to the fact that if someone is determined to commit suicide they'll do it anyway with or without a gun. They could jump off a bridge and cost the county a few thousand dollars having to dredge the river, divers and all that, searching for and recovering the body. They could jump from the top of a freeway overpass and land on some poor bugger's car, or worse yet under it causing that poor bugger a long period of nightmares, or they could hang themselves or stick their heads in a gas oven, the latter two options very unpleasant for the police if the bodies have been dead for a few days before discovery....So because a person does not have a gun it does not mean that they wont do it anyway. We're talking a state of mind here not a question of being very particular on the method to be used There are multiple homicided in Chicago every week. Gangs shooting other gangs. Those numbers are significant when it comes to tallying up deaths through firearms.


I really didnt see the point of anyone starting another thread on gun control. It's been hacked to death already.


This lot here have guns and you lot dont have guns and that's just the way it is and there's no changing it

What makes you think this is a thread about gun control?

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I wouldn't have one in the house just for 'security' tho, I'd rather make sure the house was actually secure and have a dog.


Folk are far less likely to be hurt by a gun kept locked in a cabinet than a dog that isn't.

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I really don't want the hassle of driving anywhere, I just want to sit on the porch and blast casual targets for kicks. But it's a fantasy - living in Sheffield I wouldn't need a gun in the house for anything. Plinking with an assault rifle (especially at odd hours) would upset the neighbours. Even plinking with my beloved HW75 is pretty much out of the question.

I can Plink at Midnight with my HW100 and nobody knows, because it's pre charged has a silencer and is almost inaudible.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 17:29 ----------


That's just not true at all. People are more likely to commit suicide if they have easy access to a gun.


Do you personally know anyone who's committed or attempted suicide after previous attempts by different methods? I do, I found my friend after the second attempt and was present when the police broke in to find him hanging.

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Do you personally know anyone who's committed or attempted suicide after previous attempts by different methods? I do, I found my friend after the second attempt and was present when the police broke in to find him hanging.


You were living in the US when this happened?

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