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Osborne bestrides Europe like a giant

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We've been through all this before. Of course it is a trolling thread as everyone can see, I suspect even you know it is, but you just don't want to admit it. The question is why are you saying it isn't a trolling thread when you know that it is?


I'm sorry but just saying "it is a trolling thread as everyone can see" is not a reason for anything.


Now I'll ask for the 3rd time, why is it a trolling thread?

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I'm sorry but just saying "it is a trolling thread as everyone can see" is not a reason for anything.


Now I'll ask for the 3rd time, why is it a trolling thread?


You've about as much chance of getting a straight answer out of Mecky as Ed Milliband has of becoming PM.

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Thank you again, please be assured it was not my intention to be a troll.


It would of course be great if someone who does not share my political view (and I fully respect that) would address the comment I originally made.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 15:01 ----------


It's uncanny. I've been a contributor to the Guardian comments page for years. Being The Guardian it attracts a lot of extremists more suited to Socialist Worker. When anyone puts on a comment they disagree with the Millie Tant's accuse them of trolling. It's odd because the left don't have a history of rounding on dissenters calling them counter revolutionaries or mad.


You are quite right, although I am no supporter of the left it is true that it has always been a broad church and the better for it.

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You've about as much chance of getting a straight answer out of Mecky as Ed Milliband has of becoming PM.


I'm not holding my breath, but its a stupid remark at best and akin to calling anyone who questions Islam as racist. It speaks volumes of the person making the comment.

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It seems to me that Mecky has a certain attitude and view on life, it is at variance with mine but he is entitled to his view, I just wish he would articulate it more. I also wish that he like others, would accept that theirs is not the only opinion.


He is not the worst, there are some on here that if you gave them an enema you could bury them in a matchbox

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It seems to me that Mecky has a certain attitude and view on life, it is at variance with mine but he is entitled to his view, I just wish he would articulate it more. I also wish that he like others, would accept that theirs is not the only opinion.


He is not the worst, there are some on here that if you gave them an enema you could bury them in a matchbox


Of course I have an attitude, what kind of statement is that? Everyone has an attitude. What you mean is that I have an attitude that you don't personally agree with. Well I've got news for you - that isn't going to change, so just grind away invalidator.

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Of course I have an attitude, what kind of statement is that? Everyone has an attitude. What you mean is that I have an attitude that you don't personally agree with. Well I've got news for you - that isn't going to change, so just grind away invalidator.


If you're unwilling to listen to others and consider the possibility of changing your views, then it's pretty pointless anyone having a discussion with you. I'd suggest you delete your forum account.

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Hard boiled lefties like this never change. What they want is an echo chamber. Anyone who doesn't agree with their one true opinion is a running dog of capitalism and a foolish supporter of Cameron who stole the premiership in a right wing coup.


This Mecky should trot on to The Guardian or Socialist Worker sites.

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Hard boiled lefties like this never change. What they want is an echo chamber. Anyone who doesn't agree with their one true opinion is a running dog of capitalism and a foolish supporter of Cameron who stole the premiership in a right wing coup.


This Mecky should trot on to The Guardian or Socialist Worker sites.


What they want is for the country to fail just so they can say "I told you so", never mind the hardship and damage it would cause.

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It's uncanny. I've been a contributor to the Guardian comments page for years. Being The Guardian it attracts a lot of extremists more suited to Socialist Worker. When anyone puts on a comment they disagree with the Millie Tant's accuse them of trolling. It's odd because the left don't have a history of rounding on dissenters calling them counter revolutionaries or mad.


You don't go by the name of Mr Prime on there do you?

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