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Osborne bestrides Europe like a giant

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You don't go by the name of Mr Prime on there do you?


Heres old Stan exposing the guilty again, he will get one right for waiting for.


---------- Post added 06-08-2013 at 20:38 ----------


Of course I have an attitude, what kind of statement is that? Everyone has an attitude. What you mean is that I have an attitude that you don't personally agree with. Well I've got news for you - that isn't going to change, so just grind away invalidator.


It is never my intention to invalidate your opinions, they are perfectly valid. I do not agree with them as far as I understand them. The issue with you, like some others is that you do not fully lay out your case.


Compared to others such as Stan Tomato or whatever he is calling himself at the moment who is just a nasty person you are a delight, I look forward to reading your comments.


I don't agree with a word you say but, keep the faith.

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If you're unwilling to listen to others and consider the possibility of changing your views, then it's pretty pointless anyone having a discussion with you. I'd suggest you delete your forum account.


and do other people listen to me?

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There is nothing to listen to, or read, you just come up with one liners. Try posting an opinion, something that takes a debate forward, come on Mecky I am rooting for you here.


Likewise then. Whatever you do, whatever you say I'll be lightyears in front of you

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According to latest estimates Osbornes policies now paying off. Services lead the way with fast growth, followed by manufacturing.


Todays Telegraph and FT agree.


The future is blue.


Things certainly do seem to be starting to pick up in the economy, so maybe the recovery is finally underway....Let's hope so.


Hopefully any recovery won't just be based around London and the South East, but across the entire country.


My sector (construction) has been dead in this region for a number of years now, so it would be nice to see a few more cranes up around the city as developers start to develop again and business owners expand or modernise their premises.





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Likewise then. Whatever you do, whatever you say I'll be lightyears in front of you


You probably are light years ahead of me, on another planet.


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 09:35 ----------


Things certainly do seem to be starting to pick up in the economy, so maybe the recovery is finally underway....Let's hope so.


Hopefully any recovery won't just be based around London and the South East, but across the entire country.


My sector (construction) has been dead in this region for a number of years now, so it would be nice to see a few more cranes up around the city as developers start to develop again and business owners expand or modernise their premises.






I agree, am I right in also detecting movement on housing developers in the area? as a builder do you feel the governments initiative regarding helping with mortgages is beneficial?

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You probably are light years ahead of me, on another planet.


Yeah yeah keep going


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 10:00 ----------


Things certainly do seem to be starting to pick up in the economy, so maybe the recovery is finally underway....Let's hope so.


Hopefully any recovery won't just be based around London and the South East, but across the entire country.


My sector (construction) has been dead in this region for a number of years now, so it would be nice to see a few more cranes up around the city as developers start to develop again and business owners expand or modernise their premises.






The thing is the government is not putting measures in place to promote economic growth. All it is doing is punishing people it doesn't like aided and abetted by the rightwing press and quangos like the ONS, who have shown they can't get their facts right. Even George "Grub Bank" Osborne lied the other week when he said income had risen when in fact, people have seen sharp falls in their income. The government is trying to build public confidence by lying and very dubious stats in an attempt to get people spending whilst, at the same time, kicking them in the head. You might not like that, but that is what is happening.

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