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Osborne bestrides Europe like a giant

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That's what the lefties said in 79 when Thatcher came in, then 81 when her policies started to bite then in 92 when we were coming out of recession. On every occasion the economy went on to boom and unemployment shrunk.


It's become a cliche to say the Tories are just kicking people. Your alternative would be to drain the rich of every penny. Not a long term solution.


The left died in 85 when the miners marched back and the left wing councils threw in the towel the same weekend. Since then they have had no power or influence. Since then it's just been tired echoes of the past. Time to give up and go home. Your era has long since passed.

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That's what the lefties said in 79 when Thatcher came in, then 81 when her policies started to bite then in 92 when we were coming out of recession. On every occasion the economy went on to boom and unemployment shrunk.


It's become a cliche to say the Tories are just kicking people. Your alternative would be to drain the rich of every penny. Not a long term solution.


The left died in 85 when the miners marched back and the left wing councils threw in the towel the same weekend. Since then they have had no power or influence. Since then it's just been tired echoes of the past. Time to give up and go home. Your era has long since passed.


No it isn't, your just saying it is. Everyone can see what is happening, even if they don't like to admit it. Why are you in denial?

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Face facts, the paper selling brigade have been saying it for thirty years and getting nowhere. It's as much of a cliche as saying "Labour went cap in hand to the IMF".


You are an echo from 85 and before. What did Kinnock say about you in 85

"A pickled dogma, a code, outdated and irrelevant to the real needs".

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yeah yeah yeah


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 11:08 ----------


I notice Mecky has time to argue with people but has no backup to his claim this is a trolling thread. Goes to show he is all talk and no substance really.


If you're to try and discredit someone at least take the time to do it properly.

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yeah yeah yeah


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 11:08 ----------



If you're to try and discredit someone at least take the time to do it properly.


I don't need to, you are doing a better job than me :hihi:

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Yeah yeah keep going


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 10:00 ----------



The thing is the government is not putting measures in place to promote economic growth. All it is doing is punishing people it doesn't like aided and abetted by the rightwing press and quangos like the ONS, who have shown they can't get their facts right. Even George "Grub Bank" Osborne lied the other week when he said income had risen when in fact, people have seen sharp falls in their income. The government is trying to build public confidence by lying and very dubious stats in an attempt to get people spending whilst, at the same time, kicking them in the head. You might not like that, but that is what is happening.


Services sector is up, retail sales are up, manufacturing and construction is back up....


Doesnt sound too unreasonable to me. Especially when Europe appears to be nosediving again....


---------- Post added 07-08-2013 at 11:53 ----------


That's what the lefties said in 79 when Thatcher came in, then 81 when her policies started to bite then in 92 when we were coming out of recession. On every occasion the economy went on to boom and unemployment shrunk.


It's become a cliche to say the Tories are just kicking people. Your alternative would be to drain the rich of every penny. Not a long term solution.


The left died in 85 when the miners marched back and the left wing councils threw in the towel the same weekend. Since then they have had no power or influence. Since then it's just been tired echoes of the past. Time to give up and go home. Your era has long since passed.


Which ever way you look at it, the left has one idea and that's to make things better by spending other peoples money. Great till that supply of money runs out, and then where are you?


The alternative is to make people responsible for their own destiny by giving them an appropriate foundation for which to be successful on. That works well as has been ably demonstrated before. However there is always the wailing and puling from those that had a nice easy time living on other peoples monies and find that now that tap has been turned off.


What's really nauseating is the way the Left then use those who cannot work as a political brickbat when there is no intention for them to be left high and dry. Still the Left are generally very adept at being vindictive and bearing grudges - forgiveness has never been in their arsenal.

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Which ever way you look at it, the left has one idea and that's to make things better by spending other peoples money. Great till that supply of money runs out, and then where are you?


But it just isn't the left. This government committed to borrow and spend more in 2.5 years of this government than in three whole terms under the previous government, so I don't see how you can say spending is a leftwing ideology.

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But it just isn't the left. This government committed to borrow and spend more in 2.5 years of this government than in three whole terms under the previous government, so I don't see how you can say spending is a leftwing ideology.


How much of this spending is servicing the debt accrued by the labour government?

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