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Frankenstein beef burgers !!

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I bet that burger will look amazing when your starving.


I doubt you'll see many people in some African countries turning it down.


We've got so much food in this country that we make 100's of programs on TV about how to cook the stuff. That must seem absolutely crazy to nearly a 3rd of the planet.


We have so much food in this country that some people are allergic to it.


Im a capitalist but i can the potential of what this is, especially for people who are less fortunate.


i think i would turn veggie rather than eat that burger!! and as for turning these things down i wouldnt bet on it, i watched a programme last week how to get a council house.....and guess what there were some africans & asians turning down some very nice houses and apartments:roll:

this meat substitute aint never going to be commercial mainly because to the intensive way it is formed...not commercially viable, much easier to cram plenty of animals on intensive farms to produce the meat we need for heathly living.

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Interestingly it takes 100g of vegetable protein to make 15g of edible animal protein, as such the current way of producing meat is highly inefficient. So this will probably be the future of our food production, as it will be quicker and cheaper for the multinationals to produce this food than it will be to rear animals, and they can use the surplus farmland to grow bio fuel.

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I'll happily eat a McDonalds burger, a kebab, restaurant sausage or chicken nuggets.

I'll happily eat a lab grown burger, I'd bet there's next to no difference.


If you've seen the way meat gets processed and what actually go's into some food then you'd see a lab grown burger is actually a pretty good deal.


I eat plenty of crap too, but I think just for psychological purposes it would have to be labelled as something other than 'stem-cell burger'. :gag:

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Interestingly it takes 100g of vegetable protein to make 15g of edible animal protein, as such the current way of producing meat is highly inefficient. So this will probably be the future of our food production, as it will be quicker and cheaper for the multinationals to produce this food than it will be to rear animals, and they can use the surplus farmland to grow bio fuel.


Why not feed the artificial protein to the animals?

Then use the spare land space to make human vegetable food?


I eat plenty of crap too, but I think just for psychological purposes it would have to be labelled as something other than 'stem-cell burger'. :gag:


Yes, because food labelling has been so very reliable recently.


"Genuine beef burgers (may contain traces or pork, horse and joe's finger that we could never find)

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