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Amazon: Withdraw Kid-Thrashing Book?

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Should online book shop Amazon UK withdraw a book which advises beating your kids with sticks? To Train Up a Child - which draws heavily on the Bible for its parenting advice - has upset mums online with ideas for discipline that involve the rod rather than the naughty step. But if you don’t like what they say, surely you should just ignore their advice? But what it’s advising is illegal for our Scottish viewers- should it come with a warning?


Here is the book in question...



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Why do Amazon even bother with their customer reviews anymore??


The most helpful favourable review


Wow, my friend got this book and followed its advice. Baby bit when breastfeeding so she stabbed it 97 times. Has never bit again! Result. If you want to raise an obedient subservient child then its just like puppy training from 20 years ago. I guess people nowadays focus too much on raising people with mature emotional reactions developed through empathy and rationalisation. Really just hit them till they do what you want. Same should be applied to the abusers/authors

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I think that alot of very successful well balanced people would say that they got a smack or a belt when they were a kid.


I got the slipper or the belt a few times and it definitely put me back in place for a few months.


I think most people above 40ish used to get the ruler at school or a cain. Look at the way they are behaving at schools now. No fear.


I think that the way that ive seen mothers screaming at their kids in public is probably more harmful & detrimental that a slap across the arse.


Vile people.

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