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Right to build needs to be brought back after 525 year absence.

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Those CAP payments are taxable income :)


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 21:51 ----------


You can occupy land without owning it - it's called renting.


hmm, so when are occupy going to pay the rent to the cathedral that they owe then?


Ask the people who supported Occupy.

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Those CAP payments are taxable income :)


So is JSA.


The fact remains, large landowners can avoid IHT and stamp duty is never paid (they don't sell the land - and even if they did, the purchaser would pay that), and they claim millions in benefits via the land. And all they have to do is merely own it.

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The fact remains, large landowners can avoid IHT and stamp duty is never paid (they don't sell the land - and even if they did, the purchaser would pay that), and they claim millions in benefits via the land. And all they have to do is merely own it.


Nobody ever sells land - are you sure?


Do tell what non-taxable "benefits" can be claimed.


Where is this great movement wanting to build their own houses - apart from in your head...............................................

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Why would it improve? what would be the incentive?


Oh I don't know prehaps a desire not to live in a shack, When people first built houses I'm sure they started off quite simple; mud and timber, hay and render, stone crofts.. you know the things that one man and his family could build in a week or two of good weather.

your imagining some kind of shanty town, me I'd build a small castle out of stone and brick maybe a hobbit style lair with a turf roof.


I think its a travesty that I'm born on these Islands and I can't actually be free lo live how I like.

I have to earn money to buy land, and ask permission to build a home on the land I was born on. and vast chunks of the islands are owned by a small number of people, cornwall, mostly owned by one family for example.

the land should not be dominated by small individual groups It is grossly unfair to not be able to build your own dwelling on the island you were born on,


The middle ages are still very much alive and kicking.


---------- Post added 10-08-2013 at 05:08 ----------


You can occupy land without owning it - it's called renting.


And I assume you've heard of inheritance tax?


Do you really believe what you've written makes sense?


Renting is temporary ownership, for a start.

And you rent from the owner(also the "occupier")who did not create the land but simply laid claim to it.

The point is really about people owning land without occupying it.

This man,


'owns' 570 s km...

He's just a single human he doesn't need that much land to live on.

He is just 1 of 62 million but 'owns' roughly 0.25% of the land.

Its farcical.

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Nobody ever sells land - are you sure?


I didn't say nobody ever sells it. I said, they don't sell it. They might sell small chunks once PP has been granted and they can sell it off in dribs and drabs at £1million plus per acre to their fellow men, instead of the £8k per acre it should be (and even £8k per acre is bubble price territory!)


And lets not forget that whilst income of farmers and landowners is taxable, this tax is very easily avoidable. The ones getting hammered by tax, if they can make an income sufficient to pay it in the first place are TENANT farmers that farm the land and produce food. Not the farmers of tenants, who farm people via land are nothing but parasitic rentiers.


Do tell what non-taxable "benefits" can be claimed.


Attendance Allowance

Back to Work Bonus (see EIM76223)

Bereavement Payment (see EIM76171), replaced Widow's Payment from 9 April 2001

Child Benefit

Child's Special Allowance

Child Tax Credit

Cold Weather Payments, see also Winter Fuel payment

Council Tax Benefit, administered by local authorities

Constant Attendance Allowance, see industrial disablement benefit below

Disability Living Allowance

Income related Employment and Support Allowance (see EIM76186)

Exceptionally Severe Disablement Allowance, see industrial disablement benefit below

Guardian's Allowance

Housing Benefit, administered by local authorities

Incapacity Benefit for first 28 weeks of entitlement, taxable thereafter (see EIM76180)

Income Support, certain payments (see EIM76190)

Industrial Injuries Benefit, a general term covering industrial injuries pension, reduced earnings allowance, retirement allowance, constant attendance allowance and exceptionally severe disablement allowance

Invalidity Benefit, replaced by Incapacity benefit from April 1995 but still payable where invalidity commenced before April 1995.

In-work credit

In-work emergency discretion fund payment

In-work emergency fund payment

Maternity Allowance, see EIM76361

Payments out of the Social Fund to people on a low income to help with maternity expenses, funeral costs, financial crises and as community care grants. The fund also makes interest-free loans.

Pensioner's Christmas Bonus

State Pension credit

Reduced Earnings Allowance, see industrial disablement benefit above

Retirement Allowance, see industrial disablement benefit above

Return to work credit, including the self-employment credit

Severe Disablement Allowance

War Widow's pension, see EIM76103

Winter Fuel payment

Working Tax Credit.


Where is this great movement wanting to build their own houses - apart from in your head...............................................


If you believe there is no great movement for people to build housing, why object to a right to build out of a fear lots of housing would be built?


Give people the freedom to build their own housing upon their native land via a'right to build', then we shall see how many people wish to do so.

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Give people the freedom to build their own housing upon their native land via a'right to build', then we shall see how many people wish to do so.


So where exactly would they be able to build - could they choose any bit of land they fancy - and whatever size plot? Would they become freeholders or leaseholders?

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Those CAP payments are taxable income :)


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 21:51 ----------



Ask the people who supported Occupy.


HAH!! you will be lucky to find one, they were like will-o-the-wisps yet claimed all of sheffield supported them!!

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