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Buying a house - what documentation?

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Hi Jeffrey


We have our mortgage In principle letter. Have no bad credit at all and never have. Own 3 properties already ot right. The morgage advisor at the estate agent has refused to put forward our latest offer until they saw we could affod the property. So we took the letter in last night he then said this was not good enough and he wanted our account number from the bank.


Told hi m we do not have one as we do not bank with them just getting mortgage from them. He said that the aip will hold this account number, which it didnt. By account number our mortgage advisor believes he was after what she would call the case ref no. We believe and our mortgage advisor concurs with us that he is after this number to get access to our personal information which is covered by data protection. He believes with this number he can go online and access the aip.


We believe if he did this he would see info that would prejudice our position in negotiating a price for this property which has not been accepted yet.


For example this documentation will state that we will be allowed a mortgage for a figure of

£ xxx maximum. It is of course important to us that he does not see this as it could prejudice our position in negotiating.


We believe this maximum figure is confidential between us and our bank and covered by the data protection act.


Indeed our mortgage advisor has told us that it states in their documentation that this figure is covered by the data protection act and they will not allow it to be used by a third party.


The estate agent mortgage advisor was very abrupt and we both felt that he was trying to coherse us into providing this access to our personal data. Our gut feeling told us this was wrong and our mortgage advisor has confirmed that what he was suggesting is contrary to data protection and she would have been breaking the law if she allowed him access.


Do you think he has overstepped the mark and suggesting something inapproproate which would have given him and his office the upper hand in the negotiations and encouraging others to break the law.


We are not legally minded people but neither are we stupid and our gut feeling is that this is not right.

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Many years ago we found that our offer hadn't been put to the vendor, don't know why. We didn't want to rush into buying the wrong house so we sold ours and moved back in with my parents. This was our third house which we could easily afford it so heaven knows why our offer wasn't put forward. The house was opposite my friends house and apparently it was a better offer than they had currently and the people with the other offer were in a chain. If my friend hadn't poped round and spoken to the vendor then I would have gone round myself or at least put a note through their door. Our offer was then accepted but they then decided not to move. It made me wonder if the estate agent knew the other couple putting the offer in so wanted them to buy the house not us. Frop a note through their door if you don't want to knock on the door and speak to them.

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unless you really really really want this house then i think i'd be telling them where to stick it and find somewhere else.


This is great advice, been there and done that myself.


It's an awful lot of money to spend, if you even get an inkling that something isn't to your liking then sack it off.


So many houses in Sheffield are so similar it's not like you can't find the exact same property just around the corner.

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thanks for everyone's replies. I have just received a call to say they have been instructed by head office to take this as ok as a higher person in our bank has contacted them to say this is ridiculous and the letter is an AIP.


suddenly they can now accept it and all i have to do now is take in my bank statement to show deposit held in there.


thanks again

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This is a follow on from my earlier post.


The financial advisor in the estate agents that we are trying to get an offer through for a property is stopping the office staff from putting our offer forward untilwe prove to them we can afford the amount we are offering.


He is grying to cohrerse us into giving him access to our credit information by providing our mortgage account no (which we dont have yet). We suspect that is purely because we wont use him for our mortgage we already have some to do this for us.


My questions are - is he allowed to stop an offer being put to the vendor

Can they refuse to accept my letter from our mortgage people (our mortgage company even rang him andhe basically told her to go away)


if they won't pass the offer on, can you not just go round to the house and present your offer directly to the owners (and explain the estate agents are being difficult)?

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