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Does this bombing method not seem a bit improbable to you?

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Undetectable, fair enough, but applied wet and goes boom when dry sounds a bit random. Given in the recent warm weather clothes took ten minutes or so to dry and places like yemen are like that all the time the odds of any terrorist making it from their lair to their target before it goes boom seem pretty slim.


Doesn't sound that implausible or improbable, if something could be dissolved, it just needs something to be dipped in it, and let the solvent evaporate. I wouldn't underestimate them, they're crafty buggers and clever.

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Yeah thats it. They were all sat around twiddling their thumbs.


So was 9/11; terrorists, the US government or do you have another theory?


Strange how every "terrorist" event in the past has benefited the various imperial governments of Britain, Israel, Australia and the USA. These false flag terror operations help cement power, by spreading terror throughout the victim nation. By spreading the effects of terror--pictures of damage and film interviews of mass hysteria and confusion--the mainstream media of the traumatized country served as an unquestioning, ultra-effective propaganda vehicle. The national media acts as a brilliant, second phase of the false flag operation, by further spreading even more terror while muddying the waters of any conflicting evidence or subsequent investigation.

ALL TERROR EVENTS, most importantly, allow beleaguered, often inept leaders (Blair, Bush )to go before the public and pretend to be strong - pretend to be "leaderly," to the terrorized masses who are allegedly under attack. Victimized by their own propagandized news organizations, the people seek the solace and protection of their fearless Leader, and their Government, and embrace them both readily. Helped along by continual doses of hysterical propaganda from the media.

IT IS ALL AN ACT, however, scripted from the very beginning, from the first explosion to the close up on the fearless leader by the TV news camera, focusing on the resolute expression with the flags or the national seal in the background. Whatever weakness the bumbling leader displayed in the weeks, months or years beforehand, can be brushed aside with a few, well-prepared, scripted speeches. Weakness and incompetence can even be overturned, trumped even, by ordering (fascistic) restrictive new measures.

See V for Vendetta, as an excellent film example of this false leadership.

False flag events, most importantly of all, serve as a fake, hostile action by some sinister yet vague enemy, requiring some bold, new reaction by the protective Government, naturally headed by the Leader. Usually the actions--whether laws, restrictions, warnings or declarations (of war)--have already been pre-written; another clue indicating an obvious false flag operation. One which screams, or should scream, a warning against approaching totalitarianism.

Sometimes what is intended is to take freedoms away---Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms---can backfire if enough people see through it. If the US/UK government hopes to stop the people investigating then they had better restrict the Internet first. Oh, wait--They are trying to do that.

I am sure another false flag event is being prepared as I write... perhaps some nuke blast to terrify the citizenry, since each event must surpass the former in scope and scale.

But what do I know?

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But what do I know?


Not a lot seemingly.


You appear to be well capable of swallowing any old guff that appears on the like of David Icke Forum.


BTW was that all your on work or another unattributed copy and paste.

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Doesn't sound that implausible or improbable, if something could be dissolved, it just needs something to be dipped in it, and let the solvent evaporate. I wouldn't underestimate them, they're crafty buggers and clever.


I get the concept but I don't see it as workable. Lets say all their clothes are impregnated with this stuff there's no pressure and there's no payload. So they might be able to walk down the street undetected but when they go off they're not going to do much damage surely? And if their jeans gave got 30 lbs of nails glued to them then it kind of makes the undetectable part disappear.


I'm not entirely discounting it as a threat but it just seems like they haven't thought it through very well.

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I get the concept but I don't see it as workable. Lets say all their clothes are impregnated with this stuff there's no pressure and there's no payload. So they might be able to walk down the street undetected but when they go off they're not going to do much damage surely? And if their jeans gave got 30 lbs of nails glued to them then it kind of makes the undetectable part disappear.


I'm not entirely discounting it as a threat but it just seems like they haven't thought it through very well.

if its true

im sure theyve tested it out and made sure such technology works? so surely they know more about it than you?


on both sides

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if its true

im sure theyve tested it out and made sure such technology works? so surely they know more about it than you?


on both sides


As I say I don't doubt the concept and its feasible they have made it work.


But without payload it can't actually do much damage other than to the wearer and payload makes it's usp superfluous.


As for both sides, it's in their interests to make out they have a new magic weapon and in it's in our security services interests to "take it seriously". Nobody ever complains about having too many tools at their disposal to do their job in the most efficient manner.

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As I say I don't doubt the concept and its feasible they have made it work.


But without payload it can't actually do much damage other than to the wearer and payload makes it's usp superfluous.


As for both sides, it's in their interests to make out they have a new magic weapon and in it's in our security services interests to "take it seriously". Nobody ever complains about having too many tools at their disposal to do their job in the most efficient manner.

again you seem to be telling THEM what their job is, have you tested one out? seen what it actually does? if not how can you guess about the "payload"? again im sure theyve tested, tweaked, discovered everything they can on the subject, on both sides

but you know best :rolleyes:

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again you seem to be telling THEM what their job is, have you tested one out? seen what it actually does? if not how can you guess about the "payload"? again im sure theyve tested, tweaked, discovered everything they can on the subject, on both sides

but you know best :rolleyes:


No mel, I'm using both my own knowledge and a bit of critical thinking.


I suggest you do the same.

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