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National Hero Godfrey Bongo gongo land Bloom?

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It doesn't have to be about a single country,just about a group of people,of any colour,including whites,he mentions Pakistan,the 'land' he mentions could refer to the whole of Africa,or Asia.


Who said a country? I said race, ie. race-ist the meaning of the word.

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He was talking about all aid, so he was referring to a number of countries wasn't he. Therefore it cant be racist as its not aimed at a single race is it.

I don't even think it is racist. 'Bongo Bongo land' is a crass term for Africa, but his statement doesn't insult or generalise. There is corruption in a world where people are starving and aid money is used to back up dodgy regimes.


My only attack is don't pretend 'Bongo Bongo land' is a pleasant term, and that it's anyone else's fault if offence is taken. It's a stupid term.


Thirdly, and a much deeper criticism - it's an odd society that celebrates a politician phrasing his point in such a stupid manner.

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That's where you are going wrong then,you can be racist against any group of people,doesn't have to be race.



a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.


Can you find me another definition that means the word is not about race? Because I cant and its even the root of the word!

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There is corruption in a world where people are starving and aid money is used to back up dodgy regimes.


I've heard this before, that aid money isn't actually about 'aid' (helping the poor), that it's more to do with buying influence. Is that correct?

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a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others.


Can you find me another definition that means the word is not about race? Because I cant and its even the root of the word!



This definition does not make any difference between discrimination based on ethnicity and race, in part because the distinction between the two remains debatable among anthropologists.[21] Similarly, in British law the phrase racial group means "any group of people who are defined by reference to their race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin".[22]

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I've heard this before, that aid money isn't actually about 'aid' (helping the poor), that it's more to do with buying influence. Is that correct?

I dunno. Any specific countries in mind?


Famine relief and medical aid normally helps the population, but charity and aid is not a route out of poverty. It's a complex issue.


We give Pakistan aid money to keep the Taliban under control, or atleast out of government. Even that is dodgy ground. We can't fight a war in one land and just let the enemy run another country along.


The question Godfrey Bloom and UKIP supporters need to face is can we afford not to pay? I bet aid is cheaper than invasion.

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