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National Hero Godfrey Bongo gongo land Bloom?

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Our own needy are not 'deprived'.


Godfrey Bloom stated he had constituents who were suffering financial hardships (Both personal and through lack of care), I don't see where anyone has come from his constituency to disagree.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 17:51 ----------


I'd also be unhappy if as a rich nation we didn't support the 3rd world, but I agree with Bloom on one thing I'm unhappy that any part of it is misused by corrupt administrations.

Any part most of the Aid to Africa does not reach those in need and that was stated by those investigating where the money went.

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He didn't make a 'negative assessment of a foreign country' he made a stupid generalisation about lots of foreign countries.


I'm terribly sorry but this next bit is lifted from the Guardian's comment section, I fully agree though:


"bongo bongo land" is not a made-up country in the sense that he just made it up...


[it] is, as anybody knows, a derogatory reference to the former colonies of the UK...


...It is, therefore, racist: it conflates countries and races whose distinctions he believes needn't be respected because they are not important. The words themselves are intended to underline the savagery and otherness of these nations. Overall, it's an attempt to portray most of a continent (and if you refer to his original speech, Pakistan as well) as an undifferentiated mass of uncivilised people who have just enough sophistication to rip us off by spending our money on sunglasses, but otherwise are happy with their drums."




Is the description of these countries that far off the mark? Or doesn't that matter because it is racist to criticise any other country?!?

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Godfrey Bloom stated he had constituents who were suffering financial hardships (Both personal and through lack of care)


Most of the country are suffering financial hardships, from pensioners in the North who can't afford to use the central heating, to bankers in London who can only afford champagne with dinner 6 times a week.


Suffering from "financial hardship" is one of those things which no society can ever eradicate. Just like poverty.

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Before you become too confident about the right wing revolution can you ponder that your observations are more a reflection on the company you keep?


The success of UKIP relies on converting many millions of newspaper readers, not just exciting the already converted.


I'm happy to circulate amongst any group of people old lad, it keeps me away from my keyboard too .... you should try it some time :D

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the Prime Minister on BBC news is morning put up a very good argument as to why we should continue donating £1 billion a month to his third world countries, it was such a good argument he almost had me convinced. Up until the time he said, these poor countries can't afford to feed their starving millions. No, they can't afford to feed their starving millions, but they can afford atomic weapons, an Army that is equipped with the latest weapons the West are allowed to sell them. I am of course talking about, India, Pakistan, North Korea, though as far as I know North Korea does not receive any aid from the Western world. The general population in these three countries are in extreme poverty and my heart bleeds for them, but until we can get rid of the corruption of those in power it will always be irrelevant to the local populace as how much money we donate in aid.


My mother always told me " you can't my friends, so don't even try"


and your point being?


Here in the uk, we are closing hospital wards, and elderly people are left, dying, on trollies in corridors in A&E departments because those wards are being shut.


We supposedly cannot afford to give legal aid to the poor, these days, meaning that the only so-called justice will be that which the "rich" can "purchase"


We are closing schools and demolishing social housing, because we allegedly cannot afford the maintenance or the teachers' wages.


Welfare is being cut so that those who are already the poorest are even poorer.


Yet, at the same time we can afford to give the Queen £38 million for the civil list... We can afford to give MPs a £10,000 pay rise.. we can afford to give the fat cats an extra £100,000 a year (to the tune of 3 billion - which strangely is the exact cost of the cuts being made!)


We can afford to send our soldiers and other armed forces personnel out to places like Afghanistan and Iraq but we can't afford to provide cancer treatment for a three year old child.

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Is the description of these countries that far off the mark? Or doesn't that matter because it is racist to criticise any other country?!?


You know as well as I do, it isn't criticising other countries that's the problem it's the manner in which he chose to do it, it pretty much devalued his (relevant) argument in the minds of those who he might otherwise have influenced.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 19:57 ----------


I'm happy to circulate amongst any group of people old lad, it keeps me away from my keyboard too .... you should try it some time :D


You still knocking about with your imaginary friends Mikey? ;)


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 20:00 ----------


most of the Aid to Africa does not reach those in need and that was stated by those investigating where the money went.


That may well be the case, but I'd rather discover ways that all the aid can reach those in need of it, rather than consigning it to being a bad idea entirely.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 20:01 ----------


Godfrey Bloom stated he had constituents who were suffering financial hardships (Both personal and through lack of care), I don't see where anyone has come from his constituency to disagree.


Well they wouldn't would they, it'd be like turkeys voting for Xmas.

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and your point being?


Here in the uk, we are closing hospital wards, and elderly people are left, dying, on trollies in corridors in A&E departments because those wards are being shut.


We supposedly cannot afford to give legal aid to the poor, these days, meaning that the only so-called justice will be that which the "rich" can "purchase"


We are closing schools and demolishing social housing, because we allegedly cannot afford the maintenance or the teachers' wages.


Welfare is being cut so that those who are already the poorest are even poorer.


Yet, at the same time we can afford to give the Queen £38 million for the civil list... We can afford to give MPs a £10,000 pay rise.. we can afford to give the fat cats an extra £100,000 a year (to the tune of 3 billion - which strangely is the exact cost of the cuts being made!)


We can afford to send our soldiers and other armed forces personnel out to places like Afghanistan and Iraq but we can't afford to provide cancer treatment for a three year old child.


His point seems to be the same as yours, we are wasting taxpayers money at a time when that money is tight. We are out of blairs war in Iraq now so it's not a drain, the afghan hellhole continues to cost so the sooner we are out of that place the better. The royals make us a huge profit so that's just political not financial. MP's totally agree.


"Bongo bongo land", for which we can read africa in general, is massively corrupt and has resisted every atempt to stop them being corrupt. So tragic as it is that they are corrupt people, China now aggressively feed that corruption and there is nothing civilised people can do to stop that spiral of corruption and thus inefficiency and thus poverty in that continent.


We need to step back and let these people live or die according to how they behave, not how we feel they should behave.


And it is not the business of the UK government to prop up their corruption.


British taxpayers money should be spent here. For those of us who choose to support charities overseas it's exactly that, a choice. Which is what charity is about. Not some legally binding demand on pain of jail to hand over x percent of what you earn which we will then give away to some dodgy regime to buy a new sports car.

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