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National Hero Godfrey Bongo gongo land Bloom?

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Crass, BOORISH AND BIGOTED - totally agree with you , don't think this man belongs in Ukip , and doing what I can at humble grass roots level to get im out .


Surely those are essential qualities for UKIP membership?

Definitely the bigoted part.

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Then go to this link and come back and tell us again that you don't know or go to a pensioner who's cold next winter and tell them all is well with overseas aid.

Patriot Godfrey Bloom is correct, make Overseas Aid voluntary.



Yet another one of your exaggerated statements, in an effort to appeal to emotion with support for UKIP.

Being in support of foreign aid in no way minimises the concern for those suffering here, but I doubt UKIP would be more generous to those in financial hardship, especially with a policy to vastly increase the defence budget.

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No it isn't. What an idiotic thing to say.

Be nice for you to contribute something for once instead of every time you come on here you just make snide remarks..


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 07:46 ----------


Does anyone deny the accuracy of these statements?


The knicker wetters we'll give you money to despots brigade just won't acknowledge them, they just lay the Bongo, Bongo Land smokescreen.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 07:49 ----------


Yet another one of your exaggerated statements, in an effort to appeal to emotion with support for UKIP.

Being in support of foreign aid in no way minimises the concern for those suffering here, but I doubt UKIP would be more generous to those in financial hardship, especially with a policy to vastly increase the defence budget.


So you're happy about the following? What a sick person you are.


Last year nine pensioners died every hour, because of the cold ...




Last year nine pensioners died every hour, because of the cold By Laura Nineham, on 24 November 2010. Last year, an average of nine elderly people died every hour


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 07:52 ----------


Halibut ,


I challenge you , can you highlight anything POSITIVE you have ever posted , because I'm finding it very hard ......Mods could you help ?...


All Halibut has ever done in my short time is snipe at other peoples posts he never contributes and puts himself in the firing line.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 07:57 ----------


There's no arguments,just points of view and thoughts..........if a politician can't express himself without being crass,boorish and bigoted,and then can't think what he meant when he said what he said,I'll go for the politician/party who do know what they are saying, and are saying it in a dignified language.......it's that simple,nothing to argue about,because the choice is mine.

Is English you second, third or fourth language?

Patriot Godfrey Bloom stated that most of our overseas aid never reaches the intended recipients, it is misappropriated by those in power in the recipient third world countries.


Now which part of that does your bigoted brain find unable to take in.


he also stated that overseas aid is robbing our needy (see below) then answer if you still think he's bigoted.



Last year nine pensioners died every hour, because of the cold ...




Last year nine pensioners died every hour, because of the cold By Laura Nineham, on 24 November 2010. Last year, an average of nine elderly people died every hour


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:00 ----------


Isn't it just.


There's an old saying which goes "If you've nothing to say don't say it!"


You've nothing to say so stop saying it, please.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:06 ----------


No,I mean a year later he's woken up to what more sensible,less crass MP's are already debating and doing something about,and managed to make an ass of himself doing it.


You ought to be a politician, you're happy that last winter 9 pensioners died every hour just so that we could provide a luxury home in Malibu for a despot African Politician.

And because you're happy to do so Godfrey Bloom is Crass for letting the British Public know what is going on with our overseas aid due to people like you ganging up on a witch hunt?


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:08 ----------


Put it in the headlines more like, aided by a load of self righteous folk shouting racism to make sure it stays in the headlines.


If he wanted to highlight the miss use of foreign aid he couldn't have done it half as well without your help.


Keep em coming. Highlight and expose the do-gooder we'll spend your money sod the dying pensioners brigade.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:11 ----------


Aaah. A good old organised froth-in.


Dontcha just love the internet's capacity to mislead.

So you're happy that:-


Last year nine pensioners died every hour, because of the cold ...




Last year nine pensioners died every hour, because of the cold By Laura Nineham, on 24 November 2010. Last year, an average of nine elderly people died every hour


Whilst an African despot had 26 limos.

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You ought to be a politician, you're happy that last winter 9 pensioners died every hour just so that we could provide a luxury home in Malibu for a despot African Politician.

And because you're happy to do so Godfrey Bloom is Crass for letting the British Public know what is going on with our overseas aid due to people like you ganging up on a witch hunt?



The British public knew long before the fruitcake woke up to add his crass,boorish and bigoted comments about the subject,and are debating the subject and doing something about it using sensible language,not the language of drunks at closing time,my vote goes to the ones able to prove they are capable of dignity..........the fruitcake proved otherwise.Please stop trying to tell me what I am happy/not happy with.......I know that,you don't,if you think you know what I am happy with,quote the post where I have stated exactly that.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 08:19 ----------




Is English you second, third or fourth language?

Patriot Godfrey Bloom stated that most of our overseas aid never reaches the intended recipients, it is misappropriated by those in power in the recipient third world countries.



We have seen massive breakthroughs in reducing global poverty, and especially the number of child deaths. British aid has played a large part in this - a result of many campaigns such as Make Poverty History. The number of children dying from easily preventable diseases such as diarrhoea, pneumonia and malaria has dramatically fallen - from 12million to just under 7million last year. If such progress continues, our generation could be the first to ensure no child dies from a preventable illness and that every child has both a life free from hunger and the chance to go to school. Aid is working and this Government deserves enormous credit for delivering on its promise to the poorest.


Justin Forsyth;Save The Children

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I don't think that anyone has ever claimed that Africa isn't weighed down by it's corrupt and incompetent leadership. The question is, is there a link between our aid and this leadership, and I don't think that there is. I'd say that the corrupt African leaders make the majority of their money from the multinationals than the Charities.


Anyhow, this isn't an argument for whether we should or shouldn't give aid because undoubtedly that aid is needed, but it's an argument for how we target and govern the aid that we give.


You are right that the underlying problem is corruption and it is ingrained in both the cullture and political systems.


Aid unquestionably relieves suffering but it does not bring about cultural or political change - 30 plus years of aid without change evidences that. The question we really need to ask is whether aid has inadvertently perpetuated the culture and political status quo and therefore cultivated more suffering in need of relief?


Is it possible that aid has contributed to the appeasement of the masses and therefore subdued rebellion that really could have brought about cultural and political change? Is it possible that aid has helped the corrupt and incompetent leaders you refer to to stay in power?


Bloom may be a crass and clumsy politician but it does not change the fact that we really should be questioning whether we continue to provide foreign aid.

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You are right that the underlying problem is corruption and it is ingrained in both the cullture and political systems.


Aid unquestionably relieves suffering but it does not bring about cultural or political change - 30 plus years of aid without change evidences that. The question we really need to ask is whether aid has inadvertently perpetuated the culture and political status quo and therefore cultivated more suffering in need of relief?


Is it possible that aid has contributed to the appeasement of the masses and therefore subdued rebellion that really could have brought about cultural and political change? Is it possible that aid has helped the corrupt and incompetent leaders you refer to to stay in power?


Bloom may be a crass and clumsy politician but it does not change the fact that we really should be questioning whether we continue to provide foreign aid.


Ha ha he got you talking about what he wanted to and promoted both himself and the party whats clumsy about that?

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You are right that the underlying problem is corruption and it is ingrained in both the cullture and political systems.


Aid unquestionably relieves suffering but it does not bring about cultural or political change - 30 plus years of aid without change evidences that. The question we really need to ask is whether aid has inadvertently perpetuated the culture and political status quo and therefore cultivated more suffering in need of relief?


Is it possible that aid has contributed to the appeasement of the masses and therefore subdued rebellion that really could have brought about cultural and political change? Is it possible that aid has helped the corrupt and incompetent leaders you refer to to stay in power?


Bloom may be a crass and clumsy politician but it does not change the fact that we really should be questioning whether we continue to provide foreign aid.


If we are talking about the underlying problem of the corruption, I think it stems from the treatment of Africa during the Cold War, and the colonising era the preceded it. I believe that this is how that culture was ingrained, where despots were bribed, with money and with promises of help to stay in power, on the condition that they would remain the enemy of their "sponsors" enemy.


To be honest, I'd not be too surprised if not much has changed since, but one thing is for certain the world does have a responsibility to try to unravel the mess.

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