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National Hero Godfrey Bongo gongo land Bloom?

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You know I've been told that there was a time when people like you and just one or two others who've been put in their place on this topic were successful in frightening members into not posting.

Those times are gone, go back to the playground and return to picking on the little kids.

There are people on this topic right now who'll put nasty bullies like you in your place.



Are you Clint?

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Did you not read "Of course you defend his issue, his issue is your issue, which actually isn't a problem".


Personally I don't have an issue with peoples opinions on foreign aid. What I do have issue with is racists and bigots having opinions on foreign and aid with the term "bongo bongo land" sandwiched in between which in turn is inhabited by "bongo bongo land" inhabitants. If you're so thick and blinded by your own racism by defending one aspect and totally ignoring another then racism isn't your only problem, and his opinion personally holds no water simply because of what he is. There are others far more important who have Aid issues who don't have a race agenda.


Calling names, where?? Have you read the title of the thread? Can you not read clearly?


Yes I read it and every post you make including this one proves my point.

Thank you for not disappointing.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 11:36 ----------


You know I've been told that there was a time when people like you and just one or two others who've been put in their place on this topic were successful in frightening members into not posting.

Those times are gone, go back to the playground and return to picking on the little kids.

There are people on this topic right now who'll put nasty bullies like you in your place.


Top post well said.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 11:37 ----------


I contribute through my taxes to your existence as a suffering animal, no one gave me the option of snapping your neck though.


I very much doubt it. :hihi:

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Common sense.


So why haven't we seen a penny of the billions the Government has cut from various other budgets? What makes the foreign aid budget different that makes you believe any underspend will be distributed back to the public?


Common sense would say any reduction would go on reducing our deficit, not going on bigger winter fuel allowances.

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Basic harm analysis? You seriously have to be kidding? Bongo Bongo land isn't specific to a country or even a person, it covers the whole of the African sub continent and its people. It so happens we do business with almost all of the African sub continent, we also have nationals living in the UK from all over Africa and you call it "basic".


Of course you defend his issue, his issue is your issue, which actually isn't a problem. He comes as a racist package though..never read you attacking him on that issue as an anti-racist. You are anti-racist I gather?



Do you have proof for that? or are you making it up.

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How do you prove what "Bongo Bongo" land means? It's a completely fabricated term. As a piece of language it's vague to point of meaningless.


This topic is getting surreal. Proving where Bongo Bongo land is. :rolleyes:



It seems to have got the lefties in a tiz, they seem to think it exists.:hihi:

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Do you have proof for that? or are you making it up.


Proof, when did become requirement for their rants.

In the past it was "She/He's a witch" now its "He/She's a racist".

At least they can't get anyone burnt at the stake although the way the 'Nerd' bleats I'm sure he'd have been one of them who did in the past.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 14:53 ----------


It seems to have got the lefties in a tiz, they seem to think it exists.:hihi:


It really does, all you have to do is sing the 'Pie Weighing song' and you get there.

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