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National Hero Godfrey Bongo gongo land Bloom?

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But the point was that Polish workers could come to Britain, save money and return home and buy property. There is no opportunity for British people to do the same thing.


What's to stop British workers working like Poles, saving the money - like the Poles do - going to Poland and buying a farm?


There's no law which says British people can't live in Poland - or in any other EU country, for that matter.- Nearly 5 million of them already live abroad.

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But Poland is not the homeland of British people. nor is any other EU country. Why are British people being priced out of living in their own country?


Try answering my question above (or Rupert's, it is the same question really). Rather than rehashing your old posts.


You should rename yourself "Dave", you repeat yourself so often.

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I say again, Poland is not the homeland of British people. There is no option for British people to be able to work elsewhere in the EU, then return home with savings and buying a farm or other property.


So the 5 million Brits who live/work abroad do so because they enjoy a low standard of living, do they?

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