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National Hero Godfrey Bongo gongo land Bloom?

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He did but you obviously failed to understand it.


Maybe you can highlight the relevant sections for me...


This is what was said.


I say again, Poland is not the homeland of British people. There is no option for British people to be able to work elsewhere in the EU, then return home with savings and buying a farm or other property.


And now you claim that it contains this, but I just don't understand it;


Where in the EU can British people go and work and earn far more than they would for the same work in the UK?


I still see no reference to how much they can earn. The statement is that there is nowhere they can go where they can earn a lot, save and then come home. Clearly nonsense, and also clearly not stating that there is nowhere they can earn far more than in the UK for the same work. Which is the latter claim.

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Maybe you can highlight the relevant sections for me...


This is what was said.




And now you claim that it contains this, but I just don't understand it;




I still see no reference to how much they can earn. The statement is that there is nowhere they can go where they can earn a lot, save and then come home. Clearly nonsense, and also clearly not stating that there is nowhere they can earn far more than in the UK for the same work. Which is the latter claim.




I say again, Poland is not the homeland of British people. There is no option for British people to be able to work elsewhere in the EU, then return home with savings and buying a farm or other property.


Low skilled workers could only achieve this if they can earn significantly more abroad than in their home country.

An unskilled and low paid UK worker can't afford to do this and working abroad won't change that, in contrast a low skilled low paid Polish worker can come here, work hard and go hope relatively wealthy. They can even get child benefits sent to Poland, and in Poland that money buys them much more than it would buy here.


My bet is that you still won't understand it.

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You're being pendantic. You know full well that there is nowhere in the EU where British people can do what Polish people come here to do.


I'm looking forward to Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria joining; I cant wait to unleash my potential in those places, its like end of the rainbow stuff. :roll:

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Romania and Bulgaria HAVE already joined the EU- just after escaping from one evil empire, they opted for another!


If you can't tell the difference between Eastern Bloc Communism where people were denied basic freedoms like a vote and the right to travel freely on the one hand, and the EU where people do have a vote and a right to travel freely on the other then your political nous is zero.

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Both involved countries being governed by a shadowly cabal located thousands of miles away. Both are evil entities IMO.


Bulgaria is governed by a government in Sofia. Romania is governed by a government in Bucharest. Bucharest is 1,100 miles from Brussels. Sofia is a bit less. There is no EU equivalent of the Berlin Wall. It is UKIP that is trying to prevent freedom of movement.

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