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ASK.FM Web Bullying & Suicide

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Sorry, but if you kill yourself after getting some abuse on what appears to be latvian facebook then you were mental to start with. Why the hell was she on this freakish foreign site anyway?


So as 98% of the messages were from her I think that validates the concept.


Definitely ban everyone from everything anyway, ace idea guys.

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Why didn't she just turn off the PC? there must be more too it than just "internet bullying". It just looks like the next scape goat, as is when video games get blamed for school shootings.


And of course, the parents are never to blame. They are not responsible for the child's up bringing, they are not responsible for looking after them, supervising their computer activities or anything else.


Just another thing to take focus off of the real cause of the problem.


Simply, a person "an heroing" over some bullies on the internet is just pathetic, and I have no sympathy for them what so ever.


But of course, this is not the reason she committed suicide. We shall never know.

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Are we a nation of whingers?

Do we just look for someone else to blame?

Are we not responsible for ourselves any more?

Why is it that no matter what the tragedy, the incident or accident we immediately look for others to blame. The most blatant case of blame pushing and responsibility ignoring is this man http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23752923

The father of the girl who sadly committed suicide has done nothing but put the blame on askfm and at no time have i heard him accept his part of the blame. As her parent it was his job to make sure his child is safe. At this he sadly failed and now hes just looking for others to blame. As sad as i find this young girls death i cannot ignore this mans ignorance to his part in all this. He should "man up" and take it on the chin.

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