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Manufacturing Oblivion in UK.

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If you press the "quote" button it save you having to retype things..in your opinion it's OK for the workforce to take the mickey? and you still blame the management..? What about Derek Robinsons' penchant for strikes..in one year over 500 walk outs...


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why did unions come into existence in the first place, do you think it might have something to do with workplace conditions, wages etc?


I get the impression that German employers look after their employees better their UK counterparts, so you'd expect friction levels to be lower.

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why did unions come into existence in the first place, do you think it might have something to do with workplace conditions, wages etc?


I'm not sure that I've argued against unions...do you think it justifiable for Derek Robinson to have called out workers over 500 times in just one year..? Do you think wages and conditions were so bad at BL to warrant this?

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I am no expert in industrial relations but perhaps what the BBC said here can explain it better “ Germany's car industry went from strength to strength. Crucially, it enjoyed excellent labour relations - a stark contrast with the pitched battles in many of Britain's troubled car plants. In Germany, management and unions worked closely together in the interests of the common good. Indeed, by law all major German firms are required to set up Works Councils, where the bosses and the unions must work together 'in a spirit of mutual trust'.”


Could it be lack of trust, I wonder

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I'm not sure that I've argued against unions...do you think it justifiable for Derek Robinson to have called out workers over 500 times in just one year..? Do you think wages and conditions were so bad at BL to warrant this?


Probably not, but the standards were set years ago. Instead of pulling together people are being driving apart (divide and conquer)

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Many people are still under the illusion that we have a benign government that cares about its people, when actually most of them are basically in it for themselves. I'm afraid that we're just an afterthought.


What other reason could there be for the way they are running this country into the ground....


If you look at the graph halfway down this page..




you'll see that manufacturing rises when the Tories are in and falls when Labour are in...it surprised me too..

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