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Great Britain?

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You should know Stan. (Being a resident)


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 12:44 ----------



Oh Sorry, obviously too sophisticated for me. Its what comes of a secondary school education, I notice there was no argument regarding the content, just the spelling.


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 12:46 ----------



One day there will be five Kings, 4 in a deck of cards and a King of England. (King Feisal)


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 12:48 ----------



Thanks for the spelling correction, shows that I knew what I wrote and did not have to look it up on Wikipedia.

It was not so much the spelling but the snide statement about keeping up, and to dispel some of the insulting words about America. You talk as if you're the only one who knows anything , and insult others when they don't agree with you.
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Actually, I have a theory regarding the obsession - in particular amongst the English - with World War 2.


The English actually have quite a disreputable history. Wealth & repute mainly gained by rolling up uninvited in other peoples country's & stealing their stuff, killing anyone who objected too much. Or piracy on the high seas :(

There was also the unfortunate slave trade thing, & the total genocide of a unique race of people, the Tazmanian Aborigines.

Also the Opium War, torture of Mau Mau insurgents &, oh hell, you get the drift, we could be here all night.


World War 2 was in fact one of the most honourable things the English engaged in throughout history. Almost everything else was done for profit & national interest - nothing unique in that by the way - but the War does kind of stand out.


Britain/England did rather well in the Second War & are justifiably proud of it. Annoys me somewhat when people try to claim too much credit though, no need, & displays an unfortunate lack of class.


Your Irish bitterness always shines through .... get over it ?

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Your Irish bitterness always shines through .... get over it ?


My Irish bitterness? You really are a joke aren't you? First of all, I'm not Irish & have never claimed to be. I'm Anglo-Irish, with one English parent & one Irish parent, & before you make yourself look foolish, as you consistently manage on this forum, check out that definition in the Oxford English Dictionary.


Secondly, my father served this country throughout the Second War & his elder brother served throughout the First War in the Royal Navy. Their first cousin - making him my first cousin once removed - served in the First War in the 12th Battalion- City of Sheffield - York & Lancs.

Next month, two friends & I are visiting France in order to allow me to pay my respects to that cousin. On the 1st of July 1916 - the first day of the Somme - he & his comrades set out toward the French village of Serre. In little more than 10 minutes he & over 500 of his fellow Sheffielders were killed in action.

My cousin lays in Luke Copse British military cemetery just outside Serre. He was 19.


On the return trip it is our intention to visit the beach at Dunkirk where my father spent five interesting days in June 1940.


Now, my little man ,any more comments about my 'Irish bitterness' ?

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My Irish bitterness? You really are a joke aren't you? First of all, I'm not Irish & have never claimed to be. I'm Anglo-Irish, with one English parent & one Irish parent, & before you make yourself look foolish, as you consistently manage on this forum, check out that definition in the Oxford English Dictionary.


Secondly, my father served this country throughout the Second War & his elder brother served throughout the First War in the Royal Navy. Their first cousin - making him my first cousin once removed - served in the First War in the 12th Battalion- City of Sheffield - York & Lancs.

Next month, two friends & I are visiting France in order to allow me to pay my respects to that cousin. On the 1st of July 1916 - the first day of the Somme - he & his comrades set out toward the French village of Serre. In little more than 10 minutes he & over 500 of his fellow Sheffielders were killed in action.

My cousin lays in Luke Copse British military cemetery just outside Serre. He was 19.


On the return trip it is our intention to visit the beach at Dunkirk where my father spent five interesting days in June 1940.


Now, my little man ,any more comments about my 'Irish bitterness' ?


I don't need to know your family history and I'm not your little man, your half Irish and you get digs in about the English / British at every opportunity, including anyone who happens to be OK with the British monarchy, you come across very bitter about something, if I came on here spouting drivel about the Irish you would be in to defend them, that's how it is, get over it !

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I don't need to know your family history and I'm not your little man, your half Irish and you get digs in about the English / British at every opportunity, including anyone who happens to be OK with the British monarchy, you come across very bitter about something, if I came on here spouting drivel about the Irish you would be in to defend them, that's how it is, get over it !


You were told a little of my family history in order to disabuse you of your ill considered, incorrect & rather stupid assumptions.

Unfortunately, you appear to be incapable of absorbing information which in anyway conflicts with your prejudices.


Let me try again. Just because someone can see & accept the faults in their countries history, it does not make them anti that country, simply disappointed & prepared to acknowledge the fact.


Now, when they then get into a conversation with jingoistic, my country right or wrong merchants, disagreements are bound to occur, do you understand that?


To give you an analogy. Two mates support the same football team. One is an optimist, always looks on the bright side, even when things are obviously going wrong he looks for anything that he can use to make things look better even though it's bloody evident that it's all going pear shaped.

The other guy is a realist, he goes on hard facts, as unpleasant as they may be, he calls it the way he sees it & points out the problems, to his mates annoyance.Despite this they are both season ticket holders & attend every game.

Now, here's the question, which one is the 'bigger fan'? Which one is the 'better supporter'?


The answer of course is neither, they both have the same affection & loyalty to their team, just see things differently.


You, according to your previous posts, appear to be under the impression this country is wonderful, can do no wrong & has never caused a problem in it's entire history.

I ,on the other hand, beg to differ, & your problem is that I can produce a whole shed load of facts to endorse my view.

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You were told a little of my family history in order to disabuse you of your ill considered, incorrect & rather stupid assumptions.

Unfortunately, you appear to be incapable of absorbing information which in anyway conflicts with your prejudices.


Let me try again. Just because someone can see & accept the faults in their countries history, it does not make them anti that country, simply disappointed & prepared to acknowledge the fact.


Now, when they then get into a conversation with jingoistic, my country right or wrong merchants, disagreements are bound to occur, do you understand that?


To give you an analogy. Two mates support the same football team. One is an optimist, always looks on the bright side, even when things are obviously going wrong he looks for anything that he can use to make things look better even though it's bloody evident that it's all going pear shaped.

The other guy is a realist, he goes on hard facts, as unpleasant as they may be, he calls it the way he sees it & points out the problems, to his mates annoyance.Despite this they are both season ticket holders & attend every game.

Now, here's the question, which one is the 'bigger fan'? Which one is the 'better supporter'?


The answer of course is neither, they both have the same affection & loyalty to their team, just see things differently.


You, according to your previous posts, appear to be under the impression this country is wonderful, can do no wrong & has never caused a problem in it's entire history.

I ,on the other hand, beg to differ, & your problem is that I can produce a whole shed load of facts to endorse my view.


Again I don't need your analogy, and I will disagree with your opinion that I think everything about my country is wonderful, I don't !

My country has too many apologists who think so much of what the English / British have done is so bad ... isn't history wonderful .... we can pick out what bits we want to suit our agenda.

I could come on here telling stories about my relatives who fought wars and some who are still in the services, who pledge themselves to Queen and country .... I choose not to ..... you on the other hand repeatedly trump up your posts with stuff about yourself and your family history .... no disrespect fella but by my calculations you never even knew your cousin !

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Again I don't need your analogy, and I will disagree with your opinion that I think everything about my country is wonderful, I don't !

My country has too many apologists who think so much of what the English / British have done is so bad ... isn't history wonderful .... we can pick out what bits we want to suit our agenda.

I could come on here telling stories about my relatives who fought wars and some who are still in the services, who pledge themselves to Queen and country .... I choose not to ..... you on the other hand repeatedly trump up your posts with stuff about yourself and your family history .... no disrespect fella but by my calculations you never even knew your cousin !


Well done! your maths are excellent. And it matters in what way that I never met my cousin but wish to pay my respects?


Trump up my posts? As no one on this forum has any idea who anyone else is, what the hell does it matters what anyone says? You made a ridiculous remark about 'Irish bitterness' & by telling you some of my family background I proved you were talking rubbish.

In what other way could I have done that? Maybe we could have engaged in a long tit for tat 'no I'm not' 'yes you are' load of nonsense.


Incidentally, you showed your character on a previous post -which for some reason was removed by the mods - when you claimed that the way people gain advancement in their work is by 'brown nosing'.


It always causes me huge amusement when someone makes that remark. You see it tells you straight away that they achieved little success in their chosen line of work.

Because obviously it couldn't possibly be their fault could it? Oh no, it couldn't be because they lacked ability,the work ethic & application, not possible, it was because their company only promoted people who 'kissed up' to the boss.


As for my views on this country they will remain based on facts rather than the myths that some people apparently prefer.

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Well done! your maths are excellent. And it matters in what way that I never met my cousin but wish to pay my respects?


Trump up my posts? As no one on this forum has any idea who anyone else is, what the hell does it matters what anyone says? You made a ridiculous remark about 'Irish bitterness' & by telling you some of my family background I proved you were talking rubbish.

In what other way could I have done that? Maybe we could have engaged in a long tit for tat 'no I'm not' 'yes you are' load of nonsense.


Incidentally, you showed your character on a previous post -which for some reason was removed by the mods - when you claimed that the way people gain advancement in their work is by 'brown nosing'.


It always causes me huge amusement when someone makes that remark. You see it tells you straight away that they achieved little success in their chosen line of work.

Because obviously it couldn't possibly be their fault could it? Oh no, it couldn't be because they lacked ability,the work ethic & application, not possible, it was because their company only promoted people who 'kissed up' to the boss.


As for my views on this country they will remain based on facts rather than the myths that some people apparently prefer.


Blah blah blah, do you ever read your own posts back ?

Your full of yourself, you come across rude and arrogant too, that's why I will always clash with you on here ..... you once preached about equality and fairness on here, some time back, we disagreed then ..... probably because you actually come across as smug, self righteous and think your summat special ... OK boss :D

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Blah blah blah, do you ever read your own posts back ?

Your full of yourself, you come across rude and arrogant too, that's why I will always clash with you on here ..... you once preached about equality and fairness on here, some time back, we disagreed then ..... probably because you actually come across as smug, self righteous and think your summat special ... OK boss :D




I've already told you -



MichaelW, you have been well and truly shown up by mjw47, who is more erudite, intelligent, literate and humane than you are. Bravo.
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