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Great Britain?

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Thank you for that, but I fear Michael W is a lost cause. :(


Your welcome to him as a forum ally, he's reyt up your street pal :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 21:15 ----------


You're utterly outclassed.


No I am his equal ...... go on ask him :D

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It was not so much the spelling but the snide statement about keeping up, and to dispel some of the insulting words about America. You talk as if you're the only one who knows anything , and insult others when they don't agree with you.


Sorry that was inappropriate, I didn't get your joke, my apologies.

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Your welcome to him as a forum ally, he's reyt up your street pal :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 09-08-2013 at 21:15 ----------



No I am his equal ...... go on ask him :D


Correct, now your getting it :). As a human being you are definitely my equal that is without any argument or debate as far as I am concerned.


But that is only with regard to our 'intrinsic worth'. Lionel Messi & you & I are equal as humans, but, whilst I'm not sure about you, I have to admit he shades it slightly as a footballer where I'm concerned :).


We all possess talents, skills & strengths. We also all have weakness' There is no doubt that you will be better than me at something & maybe several things, but somehow, I don't think making a reasoned argument is one of them. :)

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Actually, I have a theory regarding the obsession - in particular amongst the English - with World War 2.


The English actually have quite a disreputable history. Wealth & repute mainly gained by rolling up uninvited in other peoples country's & stealing their stuff, killing anyone who objected too much. Or piracy on the high seas :(

There was also the unfortunate slave trade thing, & the total genocide of a unique race of people, the Tazmanian Aborigines.

Also the Opium War, torture of Mau Mau insurgents &, oh hell, you get the drift, we could be here all night.

World War 2 was in fact one of the most honourable things the English engaged in throughout history. Almost everything else was done for profit & national interest - nothing unique in that by the way - but the War does kind of stand out.


Britain/England did rather well in the Second War & are justifiably proud of it. Annoys me somewhat when people try to claim too much credit though, no need, & displays an unfortunate lack of class.


Here's the thing mjw, your claim that our history is so disreputable was very much a negative slant on our history (IMHO), had you said 'some' of our history your point would have come across slightly better.

Back when our ancestors were turning up in other countries doing all those foul deeds, so were the French, The Spanish, The Portuguese and the Dutch, that's how it was back then, and keeping history in perspective is always subjective !

I find it difficult to comprehend that if we English / British were so bad, how come we are now generally considered, in the modern world context, as having such a fair and civilised society ?

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Here's the thing mjw, your claim that our history is so disreputable was very much a negative slant on our history (IMHO), had you said 'some' of our history your point would have come across slightly better.

Back when our ancestors were turning up in other countries doing all those foul deeds, so were the French, The Spanish, The Portuguese and the Dutch, that's how it was back then, and keeping history in perspective is always subjective !

I find it difficult to comprehend that if we English / British were so bad, how come we are now generally considered, in the modern world context, as having such a fair and civilised society ?


Are any of the points which I made in that post incorrect or unfair?


I am Anglo-Irish, not French, Spanish, Portuguese or Dutch. Their transgressions are down to them. The faults concerning my country are my concern.

You have heard the expression that 'two wrongs don't make a right'?


Well in this case, four wrongs (and many more) do not make a right.


In my opinion ALL Empires were wrong. They were all based on theft, murder & greed.


However, it is history isn't it? No one these days needs to feel guilty about it we didn't do it.

However, we don't need to feel proud of it either. It was wrong, & we should accept & acknowledge that fact, without tying ourselves in knots trying to defend the indefensible.


The recent trait of apologizing for events that happened in history is, in my opinion a bit ridiculous.


The two exceptions to that were David Cameron's apology for 'Bloody Sunday' & the Queens speech in Dublin castle with regard to past history between the two country's.


Those two speeches made me proud of my fathers country, class.


This country has had an enormous impact on the history of the world, & much of it has been positive & a matter for pride, however to deny that it has also been responsible for atrocities & has done many things which are shameful is simply ignoring the facts.

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just interested in peoples different opinions so the question is what will put the 'great' back into great britain?


Great Britain is just a name. It came about from the arrogance of it's founders.


I don't think invading the world, killing everyone in our way, taking what's not ours and working people to their deaths in dangerous factories and mills for next to no pay is a good thing.

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