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Great Britain?

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The final argument has to be, was it a good thing or a bad thing? My vote is a resounding yes. I think I have cited sufficient evidence to support this opinion. I do not live in a dream, I live in a world were the international language is English where the prevailing and increasing system of government is democracy. Where trial by jury is the prevailing legal system. All can be traced to this country and the empire we once ruled.


Compared to France, Spain, Belgium and Portugal Britain beyond a doubt did the most for it's colonial subjects and left them with a far better legacy than the others did. That has to be acknowledged.


It was the British sense of the right of the common man that compelled Thomas Paine (an Englishman himself) to write his work entitled Common Sense which inspired the American revolution and when the right of the common man was infringed upon by the imposition of the Stamp Tax Act, but no representation granted along with it, then that started the revolution


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 23:39 ----------


And how did America come to speak it?? :roll:


Because the great majority of the people who settled along what are now the eatern states came from England.


There was a time during the French-Indian wars when France might have come to rule the new world colonies.


Fortunately the British army with the help of the colonial militias managed to defeat France.


Aggressive expansion westward by Americans following independence from Britain established English as the language of everyday affairs




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A good deal of the reason English is spoken world wide is because America speaks it. Movies are great linguistic tools. When people fly, they usually fly in Boeings that use ATC English, which is actually American. Planes usually fly in feet, not meters, speed in knots, even Airbuses.


These are developments of English, English is not spoken in India or China or any of the Commonwealth because of America. The use of the language in America itself is a sign if any is needed of the power influence and respect the Empire was and is still held in. To cite movies or the air transport industry is frankly fatuous. The British Empire is hundreds of years old, the examples you give are from a time when English was firmly established. Established by the teachers, missionaries, explorers, yes and the slave traders soldiers sailors that left these shores to exploit but at the same time civilise and govern a substantial part of the whole planet.


Americas weakness is its arrogance, the hatred and contempt that once great but declining nation is now held in throughout the world was never rivalled by the British. The blind unchallenging adherence to the "flag" " my country right or wrong". The crass stupidity of a people who voted George Bush in twice says it all.


You mention the film industry, whilst acknowledging the genius of Hollywood in the past, what we see today is regurgitated pap. Stallone, Schwarzennegar, Willis, incapable of an original thought. Bollywood produces more thoughtful intelligent films.


As for Boeing, give me the Airbus anytime. And don't get me started on cars, have you actually driven a Chevrolet? they are so bad they are rivalling the worst East European cars of the 60s and 70s.


The British Empire lasted for 300 years, arguably longer, it developed into a Commonwealth that still accounts for over a third of the worlds population, the Queen is still head of state for 16 countries. The Empire was never overthrown, it metamorphosed into what it is now and is still developing.


The American century was just that, a century, for all the razzamattaz, the bluster, the overconfident swagger, we see the beginning of the end. Bankrupt, its cities in decline (Detroit) to the point of extinction. Plagued by its fascination with guns and its citizens inflated sense of their own importance we are witnesses to a tragedy, what might have been.

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And how did America come to speak it?? :roll:
I suspect you already know how it happened. If not for George Washington and other members of the then British Army, this continent would be speaking French now.
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These are developments of English, English is not spoken in India or China or any of the Commonwealth because of America. The use of the language in America itself is a sign if any is needed of the power influence and respect the Empire was and is still held in. To cite movies or the air transport industry is frankly fatuous. The British Empire is hundreds of years old, the examples you give are from a time when English was firmly established. Established by the teachers, missionaries, explorers, yes and the slave traders soldiers sailors that left these shores to exploit but at the same time civilise and govern a substantial part of the whole planet.


Americas weakness is its arrogance, the hatred and contempt that once great but declining nation is now held in throughout the world was never rivalled by the British. The blind unchallenging adherence to the "flag" " my country right or wrong". The crass stupidity of a people who voted George Bush in twice says it all.


You mention the film industry, whilst acknowledging the genius of Hollywood in the past, what we see today is regurgitated pap. Stallone, Schwarzennegar, Willis, incapable of an original thought. Bollywood produces more thoughtful intelligent films.


As for Boeing, give me the Airbus anytime. And don't get me started on cars, have you actually driven a Chevrolet? they are so bad they are rivalling the worst East European cars of the 60s and 70s.


The British Empire lasted for 300 years, arguably longer, it developed into a Commonwealth that still accounts for over a third of the worlds population, the Queen is still head of state for 16 countries. The Empire was never overthrown, it metamorphosed into what it is now and is still developing.


The American century was just that, a century, for all the razzamattaz, the bluster, the overconfident swagger, we see the beginning of the end. Bankrupt, its cities in decline (Detroit) to the point of extinction. Plagued by its fascination with guns and its citizens inflated sense of their own importance we are witnesses to a tragedy, what might have been.


A lot of your post is plain childish. Why hark on about planes and cars?

Where did the British car industry go? At one time you would find British made cars all over the world? Now the Germans and French rule the roost in Europe.


Ford and Vauxhall (the latter a division of GM) sell cars in competiton with their German and French counterparts in Britain as well as provide thousands of jobs and incomes for Brits at the same time. I believe Jaguar, recently sold off by Ford is now majority Chinese owned.


The British military forces in WW2 and maybe up to the present moved for the most part in Bedford trucks. The old army surplus Bedord was the mainstay of British trucking long after the war ended


What hapened to de Havilland aircraft? Gloster? Airbus isn't a British company.

It's a Europen conglomerate


Maybe the Queen is officially regarded as head of state of 16 countries but look at them. Take away Canada, Australia and New Zealand and the rest are just a mess for the most part and dont even acknowledge or even try to run their countries democratically.


I reckon as Rudyard Kipling once quipped that some Englishmen, like yourself spend too much time in the noon day sun :hihi: :hihi:




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Compared to France, Spain, Belgium and Portugal Britain beyond a doubt did the most for it's colonial subjects and left them with a far better legacy than the others did. That has to be acknowledged.


It was the British sense of the right of the common man that compelled Thomas Paine (an Englishman himself) to write his work entitled Common Sense which inspired the American revolution and when the right of the common man was infringed upon by the imposition of the Stamp Tax Act, but no representation granted along with it, then that started the revolution


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 23:39 ----------



Because the great majority of the people who settled along what are now the eatern states came from England.


There was a time during the French-Indian wars when France might have come to rule the new world colonies.


Fortunately the British army with the help of the colonial militias managed to defeat France.


Aggressive expansion westward by Americans following independence from Britain established English as the language of everyday affairs




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When American friends used to rib me about us losing the war of independence, the only people who could beat us were us. Imagine British soldiers thousands of miles from home being forced to fire on people who at that time probably spoke English not too different from theirs.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 20:08 ----------


These are developments of English, English is not spoken in India or China or any of the Commonwealth because of America. The use of the language in America itself is a sign if any is needed of the power influence and respect the Empire was and is still held in. To cite movies or the air transport industry is frankly fatuous. The British Empire is hundreds of years old, the examples you give are from a time when English was firmly established. Established by the teachers, missionaries, explorers, yes and the slave traders soldiers sailors that left these shores to exploit but at the same time civilise and govern a substantial part of the whole planet.


Americas weakness is its arrogance, the hatred and contempt that once great but declining nation is now held in throughout the world was never rivalled by the British. The blind unchallenging adherence to the "flag" " my country right or wrong". The crass stupidity of a people who voted George Bush in twice says it all.


You mention the film industry, whilst acknowledging the genius of Hollywood in the past, what we see today is regurgitated pap. Stallone, Schwarzennegar, Willis, incapable of an original thought. Bollywood produces more thoughtful intelligent films.


As for Boeing, give me the Airbus anytime. And don't get me started on cars, have you actually driven a Chevrolet? they are so bad they are rivalling the worst East European cars of the 60s and 70s.


The British Empire lasted for 300 years, arguably longer, it developed into a Commonwealth that still accounts for over a third of the worlds population, the Queen is still head of state for 16 countries. The Empire was never overthrown, it metamorphosed into what it is now and is still developing.


The American century was just that, a century, for all the razzamattaz, the bluster, the overconfident swagger, we see the beginning of the end. Bankrupt, its cities in decline (Detroit) to the point of extinction. Plagued by its fascination with guns and its citizens inflated sense of their own importance we are witnesses to a tragedy, what might have been.

Up to now, I have tried to talk to you with respect even to try bringing some sense into what you're saying. Unfortunately you're no better than the fish, Ryan, or any other of the pathetic, and jealous haters of a great country. Spurt out your spite in your froth, I will not communicate with you again.:rant:
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When American friends used to rib me about us losing the war of independence, the only people who could beat us were us. Imagine British soldiers thousands of miles from home being forced to fire on people who at that time probably spoke English not too different from theirs.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 20:08 ----------


Up to now, I have tried to talk to you with respect even to try bringing some sense into what you're saying. Unfortunately you're no better than the fish, Ryan, or any other of the pathetic, and jealous haters of a great country. Spurt out your spite in your froth, I will not communicate with you again.:rant:


They do keep us entertained though :hihi:




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We live in hope :roll:[/QUOT


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 06:21 ----------


A lot of your post is plain childish. Why hark on about planes and cars?

Where did the British car industry go? At one time you would find British made cars all over the world? Now the Germans and French rule the roost in Europe.


Ford and Vauxhall (the latter a division of GM) sell cars in competiton with their German and French counterparts in Britain as well as provide thousands of jobs and incomes for Brits at the same time. I believe Jaguar, recently sold off by Ford is now majority Chinese owned.


The British military forces in WW2 and maybe up to the present moved for the most part in Bedford trucks. The old army surplus Bedord was the mainstay of British trucking long after the war ended


What hapened to de Havilland aircraft? Gloster? Airbus isn't a British company.

It's a Europen conglomerate


Maybe the Queen is officially regarded as head of state of 16 countries but look at them. Take away Canada, Australia and New Zealand and the rest are just a mess for the most part and dont even acknowledge or even try to run their countries democratically.


I reckon as Rudyard Kipling once quipped that some Englishmen, like yourself spend too much time in the noon day sun :hihi: :hihi:




Warnng: Has your post been Halibut approved?


The midday sun is a place you can always stand in as it never set on the Empire.


Why don't you try to argue your point rather than merely insult and and attempt to belittle?


You might also actually read my contribution in context.

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You could put the 'Great' back in Britain but it would be spelt Grate as just about everythings gone down the drain.


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 08:01 ----------


Maybe the Queen is officially regarded as head of state of 16 countries but look at them. Take away Canada, Australia and New Zealand and the rest are just a mess for the most part and dont even acknowledge or even try to run their countries democratically.


Warnng: Has your post been Halibut approved?


You don't mean Bongo, Bongo Lands do you?

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