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Great Britain?

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The sun never set on the British Empire.





But only because God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark. :D:hihi:


And that's when the Irish plant bombs?


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 10:46 ----------


Can you explain that please?


An old saying " The sun never sets on the British Empire".


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 10:47 ----------


I'll remember you said that forever


I have never attempted to belittle you, I have actually defended you a couple of times.


But you should remember it forever, it is worth remembering, like most things I expound.


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 11:26 ----------


A lot of your post is plain childish. Why hark on about planes and cars?

Where did the British car industry go? At one time you would find British made cars all over the world? Now the Germans and French rule the roost in Europe.


Ford and Vauxhall (the latter a division of GM) sell cars in competiton with their German and French counterparts in Britain as well as provide thousands of jobs and incomes for Brits at the same time. I believe Jaguar, recently sold off by Ford is now majority Chinese owned.


The British military forces in WW2 and maybe up to the present moved for the most part in Bedford trucks. The old army surplus Bedord was the mainstay of British trucking long after the war ended


What hapened to de Havilland aircraft? Gloster? Airbus isn't a British company.

It's a Europen conglomerate


Maybe the Queen is officially regarded as head of state of 16 countries but look at them. Take away Canada, Australia and New Zealand and the rest are just a mess for the most part and dont even acknowledge or even try to run their countries democratically.


I reckon as Rudyard Kipling once quipped that some Englishmen, like yourself spend too much time in the noon day sun :hihi: :hihi:




Warnng: Has your post been Halibut approved?


I am not going to explain my post as if, it is read in context it is quite clear. I must however take you to task over your assertion that other than the "white" countries "the rest are just a mess for the most part and don't even acknowledge or even try to run their countries democratically."


Do you count India in your list, or Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Bangladesh, Cyprus, what about South Africa? we kicked out Zimbabwe and we have suspended Fiji, why? because they are not democratic. Even Pakistan with all its problems, has an elected government, and Rwanda scene of carnage and with no historical links to Britain is now a functioning democracy using the Commonwealth (Empire) as its example nd is a full member.


We have applicants waiting to join, Algeria, Madagascar, South Sudan, Somaliland even poor Yemen is trying to raise its standards and introduce democracy after years of tribal and religious dictatorship.


The Empire (Commonwealth) prospers and grows. Men and women of virtually every colour, creed and religion are members. Lesser countries such as Ireland, who come to us for a bail out from time to time (7 Billion was the last). Remain outside and seek affiliation with other Tiger economies (Iceland).


The countries of the EU ( or the Empire of Germany as it is fast becoming) festers in debt, bureaucracy and corruption. The USA, our wayward child, elects nonentity after nonentity spends its treasure and its childrens blood on pointless wars, allows its citizens to arm themselves against each other and multitudes to flood over its porous borders.

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Yes but what is the origin of the saying?


I am not sure, I think, but please do not hold me to this, that it was a man called North (perhaps Lord North) and his more precise quote was something like "Her Majestys dominions on which the sun never sets".

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I wonder whether the fact that the sun is so busy shining on all those British Territories is a part of the reason you see it so infrequently in England? :hihi:


I suppose in the days before cheap foreign holidays it was tempting to do a little invading if only to top up the tan.

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