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Great Britain?

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I take it your last sentence, (try paragraphs occasionally) refers to the two world wars. You know the first one when you came in just as we had won it. The second one when you bottled it until the Japs blew you up.


Name the war you on in the 2oth century when we were not holding your hand? whoops there wasn't one.




Are you naive or simple enough to believe that the First World War was glorious in any way? I'm pretty sure you're one of those people who do.


That war was the worst debacle in history all caused by petty European rivalries which only needed the assassination of an obscure pot bellied Hapsburg arch-duke to trigger the whole thing off.


France went in as it wanted payback for the war of 1870 and was also an ally of Russia which was an ally of the Serbian nationalists who hated the Austro-Hungarian Empire.......... see... Empires are no good :D


Germany went in because it was an ally of the Hapsburg Empire and Britain went in because it regarded a newly united Germany with increasing naval power as a potential threat to it's own interests


Kings, Kaisers, Czars and politicians all worked their peoples up to a frenzied, nationalistic jingoism and off they went to war waving flags and singing songs.... poor buggers..... and led by a bunch of military relics who should have been pensioned off when queen Vic died.


The cream of Britain, France and Germany perished on the battlefields. Hundreds if not a few thousand Brits alone were shot for cowardice instead of being treated for shell shock.


The wounded were divided into the social class they belonged to back in England.


Officers were repatriated to England to be nursed back to health in state of the art hospitals, nursing homes or the country homes of the landed gentry while the poor bloody swaddies got what treatment was available in over crowded field hospitals in France.


The state of the French , British and German armies by 1917 was near catastrophic. The Germans were only less fortunate in that Germany was beginning to starve to death and the Russians army was in the throes of mutiny and soon to throw in the towel.


If Britain and France were anywhere near victory in 1917 there was no indication of it whatsoever. It was a complete stalemate on both sides.


The arrival of 2-4 million American troops in 1917 convinced the Germans that with their declining manpower, food supplies and resources that the writing was on the wall.


The America troops were green but very many of them were first class shots having grown up in rural farm areas as many a German found to his cost and once in battle they learned very quickly


So shut it with the garbage that Britain won the war without any help. That's offensive to every Frenchman who fought in that war also


I've come across yanks with the same mentality as you


"Yeah we came across and won the war for you Limeys" conveniently forgetting that the Russians did about 60 percent of it... something I like to remind your fellow dreamers and weavers of fantasy


As a final thought it was the debacle and useless sacrifice of that war that turned most Americans away from getting into another European war in 1939

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I take it your last sentence, (try paragraphs occasionally) refers to the two world wars. You know the first one when you came in just as we had won it. The second one when you bottled it until the Japs blew you up.


Name the war you on in the 2oth century when we were not holding your hand? whoops there wasn't one.

Are you talking to me. CPO Buck T, Royal Navy? You know absolutely nothing about either war. When the Americans came in in 1917 we were at our wit's end wondering how were ever going to win it. When I say we, I'm talking about Great Britain, I wasn't born till 1931. Just the presence at the front by the US Army forced the Germans to aim for an armistice. But it cost nearly a million American lives in that year. As for the Second world war. America became the Arsenal of victory. No other country in the world could mass produce war materials at the rate the Americans could, and they sent their men too in the millions. American destroyers were sinking Uboats long before the US went to war, had it not been for them, your family and mine could have starved to death. I don't know your age, but I venture to suggest you weren't around in those days to know what life was like. I don't know if you ever served in uniform. Anyway, try as you might, you'll still be just another product of naysaying Sheffield I was glad to leave. I left home at 17, married a Sheffield girl in 1956, and spent most of our service life in Cornwall, where our son was born, when we weren't living in the Mediterranean. Coming back home to Sheffield left us both tired of it very quickly. Two years later we were in Montreal and never looked back. It became my home town, and I go up there every chance I get. So enjoy the biggest village in Britain.


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Would you like an islamic regime on European soil? Bradford and points north might be a good starter


I shall concede that is good quip, and in answer to the question, I can only refer you to Christopher Hitchens, who was much better at phrasing such answers. If all Americans were like him, there would be perfect harmony.


The US are a very useful tool for Europe, and we should make use of it when it suits us.

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I shall concede that is good quip, and in answer to the question, I can only refer you to Christopher Hitchens, who was much better at phrasing such answers. If all Americans were like him, there would be perfect harmony.


The US are a very useful tool for Europe, and we should make use of it when it suits us.


Dont worry there's many an American billionaire whose made use of Europe.


Mr Ford, Mr Gates, Mr McDonald, Mr Fried Chicken, Mr Walmart, Mr Woolworth... need I go on :D

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Dont worry there's many an American billionaire whose made use of Europe.


Mr Ford, Mr Gates, Mr McDonald, Mr Fried Chicken, Mr Walmart, Mr Woolworth... need I go on :D

If it wasn't for SF, we might have to fight with that other SF instead, the City by the Bay. There's a thought.
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