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Great Britain?

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Who was holding who's hand in Kosovo?


Why did the US have to intervene in a purely European affair?


Because it was a European affair and the Europeans couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel. The beloved Tony was representing the UK and trying not to let his actions affect his post Prime Minister earnings on the US speech circuit.


A question you might ask is why no one held anyone's hand in Rwanda.


We can leap about a in history a bit more if you like, why were we so successful in Malaya when the Yanks failed so dismally in Vietnam.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 00:06 ----------





Are you naive or simple enough to believe that the First World War was glorious in any way? I'm pretty sure you're one of those people who do.


That war was the worst debacle in history all caused by petty European rivalries which only needed the assassination of an obscure pot bellied Hapsburg arch-duke to trigger the whole thing off.


France went in as it wanted payback for the war of 1870 and was also an ally of Russia which was an ally of the Serbian nationalists who hated the Austro-Hungarian Empire.......... see... Empires are no good :D


Germany went in because it was an ally of the Hapsburg Empire and Britain went in because it regarded a newly united Germany with increasing naval power as a potential threat to it's own interests


Kings, Kaisers, Czars and politicians all worked their peoples up to a frenzied, nationalistic jingoism and off they went to war waving flags and singing songs.... poor buggers..... and led by a bunch of military relics who should have been pensioned off when queen Vic died.


The cream of Britain, France and Germany perished on the battlefields. Hundreds if not a few thousand Brits alone were shot for cowardice instead of being treated for shell shock.


The wounded were divided into the social class they belonged to back in England.


Officers were repatriated to England to be nursed back to health in state of the art hospitals, nursing homes or the country homes of the landed gentry while the poor bloody swaddies got what treatment was available in over crowded field hospitals in France.


The state of the French , British and German armies by 1917 was near catastrophic. The Germans were only less fortunate in that Germany was beginning to starve to death and the Russians army was in the throes of mutiny and soon to throw in the towel.


If Britain and France were anywhere near victory in 1917 there was no indication of it whatsoever. It was a complete stalemate on both sides.


The arrival of 2-4 million American troops in 1917 convinced the Germans that with their declining manpower, food supplies and resources that the writing was on the wall.


The America troops were green but very many of them were first class shots having grown up in rural farm areas as many a German found to his cost and once in battle they learned very quickly


So shut it with the garbage that Britain won the war without any help. That's offensive to every Frenchman who fought in that war also


I've come across yanks with the same mentality as you


"Yeah we came across and won the war for you Limeys" conveniently forgetting that the Russians did about 60 percent of it... something I like to remind your fellow dreamers and weavers of fantasy


As a final thought it was the debacle and useless sacrifice of that war that turned most Americans away from getting into another European war in 1939


I am coming to the conclusion that you have difficulty reading. You place statements at my door at my door which I have never made. You then go on to parrot the Hollywood/Loony tunes version of history that has no basis in fact.


Because I refuse to allow you and your fellow travellers and apologists to peddle your versions of the contribution the US has made to the benefit of mankind you become personally insulting.


I find that when contributors have to resort to personal attacks they have lost the argument.


To summarise, I feel that history will show that the US has at virtually all times acted in its own selfish interests, standing by whilst we bankrupted ourselves facing Hitler and Mussolini so that you could pick up the pieces was an act so cynical and dishonest to be unforgiveable.


That British politicians, including Churchill have been prepared to suck up to the "great republic" whilst it systematically robbed us is shameful.


I am glad I have lived long enough to see the start of the demise of the USA, it will be along slow decline, but the signs are unmistakeable. Unlike the UK which has managed to maintain good relationships with the rest of the world you have no friends, with the possible exception of the Israelis. Another pariah state using its muscle to intimidate and hold in thrall those who seek no more than justice and their property back.

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Because it was a European affair and the Europeans couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel. The beloved Tony was representing the UK and trying not to let his actions affect his post Prime Minister earnings on the US speech circuit.


A question you might ask is why no one held anyone's hand in Rwanda.


We can leap about a in history a bit more if you like, why were we so successful in Malaya when the Yanks failed so dismally in Vietnam.


Jeezuz! If you dont know the answer to that go back to history 101 instead of leaping about in it :rolleyes:

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Because it was a European affair and the Europeans couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel. The beloved Tony was representing the UK and trying not to let his actions affect his post Prime Minister earnings on the US speech circuit.


A question you might ask is why no one held anyone's hand in Rwanda.


We can leap about a in history a bit more if you like, why were we so successful in Malaya when the Yanks failed so dismally in Vietnam.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 00:06 ----------




I am coming to the conclusion that you have difficulty reading. You place statements at my door at my door which I have never made. You then go on to parrot the Hollywood/Loony tunes version of history that has no basis in fact.


Because I refuse to allow you and your fellow travellers and apologists to peddle your versions of the contribution the US has made to the benefit of mankind you become personally insulting.


I find that when contributors have to resort to personal attacks they have lost the argument.


To summarise, I feel that history will show that the US has at virtually all times acted in its own selfish interests, standing by whilst we bankrupted ourselves facing Hitler and Mussolini so that you could pick up the pieces was an act so cynical and dishonest to be unforgiveable.


That British politicians, including Churchill have been prepared to suck up to the "great republic" whilst it systematically robbed us is shameful.


I am glad I have lived long enough to see the start of the demise of the USA, it will be along slow decline, but the signs are unmistakeable. Unlike the UK which has managed to maintain good relationships with the rest of the world you have no friends, with the possible exception of the Israelis. Another pariah state using its muscle to intimidate and hold in thrall those who seek no more than justice and their property back.




You need to put things behind you. I know that the demise of the Communist system and it's relegation to the scrap heap of history has left you bitter and disillusioned.


You have now it seems morphed from ardent Marxist/Communist to Ace Empirist and Grand Patriot :hihi: :hihi:


Your comparing Malaya to Vietnam only betrays your simplistic outlook of history and/or total lack of knowledge of it.


I see the first signs of rants appearing in your posts and you continue to harp on about the same stuff you've already mentioned in half a dozen posts.


The signs of s declining ability to debate always end up with a rant about Israel


I've tried to educate you. My post on WW1 was pretty damned good if I do say so myself but still you charge on like a blinkered old horse


I'm done with you since you are now becoming a bore. This thread has burned itself out as far as I'm concerned


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 23:26 ----------


As i understand it a very basic tution in America, ie economics 101 would give one a very basic grounding in economics such that a stupid person could grasp.


Correctumundo !

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Because it was a European affair and the Europeans couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel. The beloved Tony was representing the UK and trying not to let his actions affect his post Prime Minister earnings on the US speech circuit.


A question you might ask is why no one held anyone's hand in Rwanda.


We can leap about a in history a bit more if you like, why were we so successful in Malaya when the Yanks failed so dismally in Vietnam.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 00:06 ----------





You need to put things behind you. I know that the demise of the Communist system and it's relegation to the scrap heap of history has left you bitter and disillusioned.


You have now it seems morphed from ardent Marxist/Communist to Ace Empirist and Grand Patriot :hihi: :hihi:


Your comparing Malaya to Vietnam only betrays your simplistic outlook of history and/or total lack of knowledge of it.


I see the first signs of rants appearing in your posts and you continue to harp on about the same stuff you've already mentioned in half a dozen posts.


The signs of s declining ability to debate always end up with a rant about Israel


I've tried to educate you. My post on WW1 was pretty damned good if I do say so myself but still you charge on like a blinkered old horse


I'm done with you since you are now becoming a bore. This thread has burned itself out as far as I'm concerned


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 23:26 ----------



Correctumundo !


Thank you for that clarification, having no knowledge of the US education system I did not understand your comment. It certainly turns out some stupid people don't you think?


Sorry you are giving it up old sport, If you reconsider and require a further intellectual spanking don't hesitate to contact me.


FAO of Mecky, Harleyman thinks I am a communist!!!!

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Because it was a European affair and the Europeans couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel. The beloved Tony was representing the UK and trying not to let his actions affect his post Prime Minister earnings on the US speech circuit.


A question you might ask is why no one held anyone's hand in Rwanda.


We can leap about a in history a bit more if you like, why were we so successful in Malaya when the Yanks failed so dismally in Vietnam.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 00:06 ----------



I am coming to the conclusion that you have difficulty reading. You place statements at my door at my door which I have never made. You then go on to parrot the Hollywood/Loony tunes version of history that has no basis in fact.


Because I refuse to allow you and your fellow travellers and apologists to peddle your versions of the contribution the US has made to the benefit of mankind you become personally insulting.


I find that when contributors have to resort to personal attacks they have lost the argument.


To summarise, I feel that history will show that the US has at virtually all times acted in its own selfish interests, standing by whilst we bankrupted ourselves facing Hitler and Mussolini so that you could pick up the pieces was an act so cynical and dishonest to be unforgiveable.


That British politicians, including Churchill have been prepared to suck up to the "great republic" whilst it systematically robbed us is shameful.


I am glad I have lived long enough to see the start of the demise of the USA, it will be along slow decline, but the signs are unmistakeable. Unlike the UK which has managed to maintain good relationships with the rest of the world you have no friends, with the possible exception of the Israelis. Another pariah state using its muscle to intimidate and hold in thrall those who seek no more than justice and their property back.

You didn't include Ireland in the rest of the world,nor Cyprus, nor Kenya, nor Pakistan. I wonder why? The Israelis threw you out on your ear. I'm certain of one thing . If America fails , it will be long after you. You talk of Chevrolet, still producing. Where are Morris, Austin, Hillman, Singer, Standard, Sunbeam, Allard, Riley, Wolseley, MG. Need I go on.
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Originally Posted by Hillpig View Post

I am sorry I don't understand, what is history 101?


As i understand it a very basic tution in America, ie economics 101 would give one a very basic grounding in economics such that a stupid person could grasp.


But apparently way above Hillpig, so what does that say about him?

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The whole thread is going crazy. Quotes are going to the wrong people. Hillpig is repeating himself ad infinitum, ad nauseum. I wonder if he has any other interests than the slander of America. Anyway I wish him luck that he somehow finds peace in his miserable life. Thats it for me, bye all. Close it please, mods.

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Because it was a European affair and the Europeans couldn't organise an orgy in a brothel. The beloved Tony was representing the UK and trying not to let his actions affect his post Prime Minister earnings on the US speech circuit.


A question you might ask is why no one held anyone's hand in Rwanda.


We can leap about a in history a bit more if you like, why were we so successful in Malaya when the Yanks failed so dismally in Vietnam.


---------- Post added 14-08-2013 at 00:06 ----------


You didn't include Ireland in the rest of the world,nor Cyprus, nor Kenya, nor Pakistan. I wonder why? The Israelis threw you out on your ear. I'm certain of one thing . If America fails , it will be long after you. You talk of Chevrolet, still producing. Where are Morris, Austin, Hillman, Singer, Standard, Sunbeam, Allard, Riley, Wolseley, MG. Need I go on.




I specifically mention Ireland, Kenya and Pakistan try reading more.

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