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Great Britain?

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We never lost our greatness, we spent blood and treasure fighting dictators throughout the 20th century, at first alone, then joined by the US when they realised that if we failed they were next. They then stabbed us in the back causing us to lose the empire. Ours was the greatest empire in the history of the world. Built on justice, fairness and democracy.


We fought dictators throughout the 20th century? We fought alongside China and the Soviet Union in WW2 for a start. As for blaming the Yanks for us losing the Empire, we were skint and it was impossible for a skint nation of 50 odd million people to keep ruling over a billion of people.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 00:02 ----------


....not the old boy network of mediochrity and jobs for the boys.


Please note that spelling mediocrity wrongly is a sign of said thing.

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We fought dictators throughout the 20th century? We fought alongside China and the Soviet Union in WW2 for a start. As for blaming the Yanks for us losing the Empire, we were skint and it was impossible for a skint nation of 50 odd million people to keep ruling over a billion of people.


I agree. But it was far from impossible for a skint nation of 50 odd million people to keep the customers they had.


The UK had a massive customer base, which it threw away during the latter part of the 20th Century.


I remember when "Made in Great Britain" meant 'Reliable' 'value-for-money' and worth buying.


I also had a 1976 MG Midget (doors didn't fit, engine didn't work properly, [dumped all its oil in 500 miles] sycamore spinner sprayed into the paint under the seat carpet.)


My wife (bless her cotton socks) bought an MG Metro (worst car we've ever had!)


The UK does make some exceptional products and there are some extremely competitive British companies, but 'Made in Britain' is no longer per se an indication of quality.

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We never lost our greatness, we spent blood and treasure fighting dictators throughout the 20th century, at first alone, then joined by the US when they realised that if we failed they were next. They then stabbed us in the back causing us to lose the empire. Ours was the greatest empire in the history of the world. Built on justice, fairness and democracy.


Even after we gave up the Empire there are still 15/16 countries whoo recognise the Queen as head of state. The Yanks drool over our royal family.


We are a small country now, but we are still a great one, be proud.


Your lack of knowledge regarding the history of your own country is a thing of beauty :D.

You actually believe that this country is some kind of 'Lone Ranger' ,'White Knight' fighter for truth & justice? :hihi:


This country, in exactly the same fashion as all other Empires, looked after it's own interests & no one else's.

Lord Palmerston stated ' there are no such thing as permanent friends only permanent interests.'

Nothing wrong with that, it's the way of the world but please spare us the hyperbolic nonsense.


Greatest Empire in the history of the world?


The British Empire lasted approximately 350 to 400 years. The Roman Empire lasted over 2000 years & whilst the French Empire may not have lasted as long they did something we failed to do.


Napoleon rode in triumph at the head of his troops through the capital city's of most of Europe.

The British Empire consisted mainly of colonising smaller less populated countries or larger divided countries such as India.

Nothing wrong with that tactic either, quite well thought out & crafty in fact, I like crafty :).


But this country would do itself a favour if it would educate it's population in such a manner that myths could be dispelled with & certain people could get over themselves, face reality & get on with the job.

It is still a country capable of competing in the real world but needs to get a sense of perspective.


As to the greatest Empire in the world? That would be the United States of America, a nation which doesn't like to admit it's an Empire because of it's beginnings but what else would you call a country that has imposed it's culture on virtually every other country in the world?

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We fought dictators throughout the 20th century? We fought alongside China and the Soviet Union in WW2 for a start. As for blaming the Yanks for us losing the Empire, we were skint and it was impossible for a skint nation of 50 odd million people to keep ruling over a billion of people.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 00:02 ----------



Please note that spelling mediocrity wrongly is a sign of said thing.


Sorry. It's late....

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Here's another thing. We need to aspire to be a better Britain without the jingoism. Do you think the Germans look out across the world and think "in 10 years time we can be France or America" of course not. They seem to strive for improvement without the flag waving nationalism (although they did try that 70 years ago with some success)

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Here's another thing. We need to aspire to be a better Britain without the jingoism. Do you think the Germans look out across the world and think "in 10 years time we can be France or America" of course not. They seem to strive for improvement without the flag waving nationalism (although they did try that 70 years ago with some success)


The germans are dealing with the same problems we are (though different islamist source) and due to those problems are having to be very hard with some of their guests. They have "guest workers" we have people we are told we can't turf out by foreign courts.


Nationalism is going to be necessary if our people are to survive with any standard of life, this lefty one world rubbish is no longer affordable. It's not a question of if certain things will happen but how. And hopefully they will allow a gentle reordering of things.

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The germans are dealing with the same problems we are (though different islamist source) and due to those problems are having to be very hard with some of their guests. They have "guest workers" we have people we are told we can't turf out by foreign courts.



In my (albeit somewhat limited) experience, the German problem is rather different. Turks are not 'Guest workers' ("Auf Wiedersehen Pet" didn't apply.) Many Turks are well integrated and their religion is not a real issue.


The problem tends to be with 2nd (or even 3rd) generation immigrants who didn't bother to learn German, went to a school where they were taught in German (and if you want an interpreter the state isn't going to pay for it) who subsequently find that because they can't pass any exams and can't communicate with anybody, they can't get a job.


Wow! Amazing! If you can't talk to people they won't employ you!


There are, however, many Turks who are fully integrated into German life and culture.


There are also Turks who don't work - because they are the head of the family and the wife is supposed to 'keep the family going'. [We don't work ... the women work!] (I'm not making that up - a good friend (not a Turk, but married to a female Turk) told me that explaining Turkish culture.


Religion seems to be less of a problem in (my bit of) Germany than it is in the UK.

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In my (albeit somewhat limited) experience, the German problem is rather different. Turks are not 'Guest workers' ("Auf Wiedersehen Pet" didn't apply.) Many Turks are well integrated and their religion is not a real issue.


The problem tends to be with 2nd (or even 3rd) generation immigrants who didn't bother to learn German, went to a school where they were taught in German (and if you want an interpreter the state isn't going to pay for it) who subsequently find that because they can't pass any exams and can't communicate with anybody, they can't get a job.


Wow! Amazing! If you can't talk to people they won't employ you!


There are, however, many Turks who are fully integrated into German life and culture.


There are also Turks who don't work - because they are the head of the family and the wife is supposed to 'keep the family going'. [We don't work ... the women work!] (I'm not making that up - a good friend (not a Turk, but married to a female Turk) told me that explaining Turkish culture.


Religion seems to be less of a problem in (my bit of) Germany than it is in the UK.


Remind me which bit you live in?


I have familly in Regensburg and they have no guest problem, a mate lives in Hamburg and he reports a serious guest problem.

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Remind me which bit you live in?


I have familly in Regensburg and they have no guest problem, a mate lives in Hamburg and he reports a serious guest problem.


Oberau (in Oberbayern.) (Which, like Regensburg isn't in Germany :hihi:)


The Turks aren't 'Guest Workers' - most of them have a 'right to stay'.


I've no doubt that there are parts of Germany which have religious (Muslim) problems but generally they are well accepted (or so it seems to me.)


Problems tend to get labelled as 'Turkish' (Muslim is not a word you hear often) because they are problems which arose because of the non-German speaking poorly-educated underclass.

'Non-German speaking Poorly Educated Underclass' is a long-winded way of saying 'Turk'


(Not "Muslim')

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