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Why are people scared to be defiant any more?

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A riot is a riot. The English Language is not so degraded that 'riot' can be misinterpreted as being 'more than mildly upset.'


The London Rioters were just that. Rioters. Not Protesters.


People liost their homes. People were terrified (with good cause, too.) People lost their possessions.


You don't (if you've got any sense) 'wave your hands around in the air' to dissuade rioters. If you determine that they are rioters then you treat them as such.


Read the Riot Act and act on it.


I've no problem whatsoever with protestors (even when they make my life very awkward -which has happened in the past. they have a RIGHT to protest and I'll put up with it. (I was a protestor last month ... as I am every year. )(I have a cause)


I'm a protestor - not a bloody rioter! I didn't scare people, I didn't destroy their property and I don't (and morally can't) support people who do.


IMO, the London RIOTERS got off far too lightly.


10 years would do as a sentence for rioting.


Anything less is a joke.


For mindless rioting i'd agree, but there can be valid riots where the outcome should be very different, imo.


We should support these types when they protest.

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T The destruction wrought by the rioters was dreadful and I have never advocated riots as a means of change -exactly the opposite if you look at my posts, but there is a world of he OP asked why British people are scared to be defiant and seemed scared and cowed.


I'm saying that the punishments handed out to the London rioters is part of the reason. It was a definate intention of the government to make a public example of them to deter future protesters.difference between that and peaceful protest.


However, every demonstration is seen as a potential riot and dealt with accordingly by the police with 'kettling' and the like. Unless it turns nasty it's message is all but ignored by the media, and it often turns nasty because of the over reaction of the police. Therefore the majority of demonstrations portrayed by the media are about trouble and arrests, reminiscent of the riots which puts people off.


There are people all over the country trying to get their message across peacefully in protests every day that never get a mention - which begs the question why do they bother? But add them all up and they register as a very sizable body of discontented people, albeit with no voice, and they are just the visable tip of the iceberg.


What would you advocate as a way of getting your message to the government (that they are ruining our country and it has to stop) noticed, when the ballot box means about as much to them as it does to Mugabe?


PS. I agree with your first point about the 'central pot.'


Do you actually live in the UK, Anna?


Are you familair with the Law of England and Wales?


Are tyou aware that RIOTING (Not protesting - which is something else entirely) is a serious criminal offence?


We are talking (You started it!) about the 'London RIOTERS'


Not the London protestors.


You suggest that the British people are too scared to Complain/Protest.


Can you give me one example of the 'British People' being deterred from complaining?


(Some [particularly foreigners reading this forum] would say they do little else!)


I've seen some amazing British protests!


The 'legwarmer ladies' at Greenham Common (Together with their our friends at Upper Heyford were brilliant examples of 'how to complain and make sure everybody hears you.'


They were not rioters, however.


'Riot' is a serious criminal offence. it has nothing to do with 'Protest', which is a legl right.


Why are you advocating/supporting people who committed serious criminal offences?

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Do you actually live in the UK, Anna?


Are you familair with the Law of England and Wales?


Are tyou aware that RIOTING (Not protesting - which is something else entirely) is a serious criminal offence?


We are talking (You started it!) about the 'London RIOTERS'


Not the London protestors.


You suggest that the British people are too scared to Complain/Protest.


Can you give me one example of the 'British People' being deterred from complaining?


(Some [particularly foreigners reading this forum] would say they do little else!)


I've seen some amazing British protests!


The 'legwarmer ladies' at Greenham Common (Together with their our friends at Upper Heyford were brilliant examples of 'how to complain and make sure everybody hears you.'


They were not rioters, however.


'Riot' is a serious criminal offence. it has nothing to do with 'Protest', which is a legl right.


Why are you advocating/supporting people who committed serious criminal offences?




Where have I ever said I supported the actions of the London rioters?


I have said there is a world of difference between the rioters and peaceful protesters.


BUT peaceful protesters are treated as 'potential' rioters,. and can be subjected to some unwarrented, very heavy handed policing. This in itself can actually spark trouble. If this happens it is invarioubly the protesters who get the blame.

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And your proposed solution is?


I'm not saying you're wrong. Your children, my children and their children will (if they live in the UK) be stuck with paying for their parents and will be expected to put aside money to pay for themselves when they reach their parents' age.


Many of the services previous generations have been able to take for granted in the past are now under-funded. The money those people paid in paid for the services received by their predecessors


At some time the people will have to accept that there simply isn't enough money in the pot to pay for everything.


That's the thing isn't it? You're not saving enough money for your pension Mr Robertson, you're not putting enough away for a rainy day ... blah blah blah. I've heard it all before. Maybe people would save more if they got paid more in the first place. But maybe if people got paid more, the prices for everyday essentials would skyrocket negating any increase in salary.

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