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PayPal Photo Verification Payments

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A high street trial has started using a payment system that recognises customers by their first name and picture via a mobile phone app.


Retailers in Richmond upon Thames are among the first to allow shoppers to leave their wallets at home and pay for items using just the PayPal app and their profile picture.




Well, this is a novel initiative, I think it will actually work, I mean, who can show their picture to pretend they are you, they would have to be your spitting image to be able to pay for something, with Chip & Pin, people can still pay for goods if they know your PIN so this could be more secure.

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on the face of it, this seems a reasonable idea, except I've heard on several occasions somebody say I Tell one from the other, what would stop one of an identical pair of twins using his brother/sister's account.


It might also work if it was any other company but PayPal, their charges are out of this world, and presumably one would have the funds in your PayPal account before you were able to spend.

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We are always slow taking up these new inovative systems.


I mean we havent really been using 'contact-less' payments yet. I know i havent.


I think we were the last country in the world to stop using cheques. I cant see it being successful to be honest.


Is there a fee cause if its paypal there has to be?

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I wonder if PayPal are applying their normal high charges to these transactions? If so I can't see it catching on, but I suspect they will charge retailers a more competitive amount otherwise none of them would use it.

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