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How and where to find out what the law is?

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I am subject to the law of the land, yet, nobody ever gave me an instruction manual, detailing exactly what those laws are, and how they apply to me. This doesn't seem at all fair to me; if people are subject to the law, surely they have a right to know what those laws are...


So my question is this; what public resources are available for people to discover what is legal and what isn't?

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It's probably futile even trying to read up on it as there are now so many new laws changed and old ones updated so frequently that they don't bother to tell us anymore


Remember when we used to have public information films/adverts on the telly?

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That's a good point. Fancy the state not filling you in on the laws and expecting you to take up your responsibilities as a citizen.


However, speaking as a lawyer for Pub Lawyers Associates I can tell you that you are free to break any laws you like. You haven't been briefed on them, which is 'unfair' so you're exempt.

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Thanks chaps. No, nothing specific in mind (yet). Was just curious as to what resources are available on legal matters.


I wasn't using 'unfair' in that sense Ridgeway84. More in a sense that it's unfair to expect people to be subject to law, and then not give them any way to learn what those laws are.

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