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UK's population growth highest in EU

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The immigration issue will keep Labour out of power for a generation. Mark my words.




I don't think so, they got a massive voting base.


If they promise an increase in benefits, then they will sweep to power


The working class are in decline

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It's not a Ponzi scheme because babies grow up to work and contribute and keep working for decades i.e. longer than pensioners live. A Ponzi scheme runs out of people eventually. A rising population doesn't.


They just run out of the things needed to sustain the rising population.

We already have very high unemployment in the UK and around the world, what makes you think work will be found for a growing population.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 21:38 ----------



In other words you, Michael W, Andygardner et al don't like darkies. Either have tons of white kids or shut up because the work needs doing.


Idiot, polish people arn't darkies.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 21:39 ----------


Nooooooooooooooooo. They call their daughters Amelia? If ever there was an argument against immigration that must be it.


It just blew your theory out of the water, because you incorrectly assumed Amelia was just and British name.

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I think the most sensible thing to do is apply barcodes at the borders, by dint of a tattooing appliance. All persons who enter this country without a planned return may then be adequately certified as being foreign, which could be aptly marked upon their skins by the immigration authorities. There would have to be special tests for women in the early stages of pregnancy, of course, but this may be conveniently addressed through the modern technology which is at the disposal of said authorities. You could, for instance, apply a ‘foreign’ and a ‘native-born’ tattoo, respectively, onto the prospective mother’s belly. Concomitantly, this would greatly improve the cumbersome process of identification for all those foreigners who have ditched their ID cards.

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The highest rate is in London, I don't think it is as simple as saying that chavs are breeding.


The article I saw earlier seemed to be inferring that the high rate in London is due to the demographics and basically, certain sections of society having significantly higher birth rates than others.


the thing is, British people are no longer in the majority in London, so this rise in the birth rate is by people from outside the UK. Now on the face of it thats not a problem, but if these children are born to families that do not assimilate into the British culture, they could well do the same and we are diluting our culture and traditions.

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I know of many 30 somethings who can't have kids because they can't afford to, despite many having decent jobs.

Assuming that being a 30-something must imply being on a quest for children is an extremely singlist remark to make.

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the thing is, British people are no longer in the majority in London, so this rise in the birth rate is by people from outside the UK. Now on the face of it thats not a problem, but if these children are born to families that do not assimilate into the British culture, they could well do the same and we are diluting our culture and traditions.


White British are no longer in the majority there but British people are. London generates a fifth of the UK's GDP from about an eigth of the population so it's not a good example to say immigration holds London back economically.

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It's not a Ponzi scheme because babies grow up to work and contribute and keep working for decades i.e. longer than pensioners live. A Ponzi scheme runs out of people eventually. A rising population doesn't. We've had centuries of economic growth based on an ever rising population. I can imagine you at the time of the industrial revolution saying it's a Ponzi scheme.


My parents and my wife's parents have just arrived at an age where they have now been not working for longer than they have been working, and my wife's parents started working at age 14. My generation started working later than them, and my children's generation even later, whilst the age at which people retire has stayed approximately the same.


Stating that "a Ponzi scheme runs out of people eventually" is effectively an admittance that it is a Ponzi scheme, unless you think that the planet can support an infinite number of people.


If a population is living longer and healthier, but expects to work less and have that work done for them by an increasing population, who will in turn live longer and healthier, then it's the very definition of a Ponzi scheme.

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Note the word "they". Ie couple.

Nay, there are many thousands of millions of singles, more than there are couples, in fact, and all of whom naturally constitute a grammatical plural. Also, people spend a much larger part of their lifetimes as singles than as ‘half of a person belonging to someone else’.

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Do you think the country has the infrastructure in place to properly support an increase in population?


You build things as and when required. This provides employment and creates wealth. Money circulates as a result as people buy things and pay taxes stimulating economic growth. Have a look at the UK 100 years ago and compare the infrastructure then to today. Economic expansion and population expansion did that.

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