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UK's population growth highest in EU

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You build things as and when required. This provides employment and creates wealth. Money circulates as a result as people buy things and pay taxes stimulating economic growth. Have a look at the UK 100 years ago and compare the infrastructure then to today. Economic expansion and population expansion did that.


We aren't though are we? We're a bit skint. A&Es (which is stuffed full of foreigners, and I'm glad they are there) needed a 500 million bail out today. today We haven't got any money for expansion and when we do it either it takes ages or nobody wants it (see hs2 and Heathrow expansion) . Let's not even start getting into water extraction, power or stuff like that. I care not what colour or the ethnic origins of these happy little miracles but this country, particularly the south east is ill equipped to provide infrastructure easily. It can't cope now.

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We've not been importing specialist skills though have we? Because we're in the EU any EU citizen can come here speculating for work. We are not like Australia or USA where we specify what skills we need and award points based on demand for skills.


Business loves it because an oversupply in the labour market depresses wages, a universally accepted fact even by Ed Miliband as having happened.


Actually we are importing specialist skills but we're also importing unskilled labour as well. Business does love this because labour is what makes business tick over obviously. British citizens can also go and work in other EU states and other EU citizens can work in other EU states than Britain. It's one of the 4 economic freedoms of the 1986 Single Market Act that Thatcher signed, you know, that woman so loved by Eurosceptics.

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I never mentioned power. A country can be affluent with a small population but it's hard to go from being a large population to a declining population and pay all the debt that the large population built up as well as for future debt like pensions.


No it isn't, if a large proportion of the population contributes nothing and are supported by the people that do contribute, then reducing the population will decrease the amount of dependant people and allow the debt to be paid back instead of increased. Reducing the popluation will make it easier to pay back the debts.

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We aren't though are we? We're a bit skint. A&Es (which is stuffed full of foreigners, and I'm glad they are there) needed a 500 million bail out today. today We haven't got any money for expansion and when we do it either it takes ages or nobody wants it (see hs2 and Heathrow expansion) . Let's not even start getting into water extraction, power or stuff like that. I care not what colour or the ethnic origins of these happy little miracles but this country, particularly the south east is ill equipped to provide infrastructure easily. It can't cope now.


But we're not skint. As you admit we are talking about expanding Heathrow and building HS2 so there's money about. We're the 6th largest economy in the world. The economy is starting to grow again and I'm sure the government will find money for a Trident replacement. And if we want to grow it's human activity that will make it grow. When the economy tanked a few years ago it was bankers not immigrants that caused it.


You may not care re ethnicity but go back a page or two and people were going on about losing our traditions and heritage and the British being in a minority.


---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 22:32 ----------


No it isn't, if a large proportion of the population contributes nothing and are supported by the people that do contribute, then reducing the population will decrease the amount of dependant people and allow the debt to be paid back instead of increased. Reducing the popluation will make it easier to pay back the debts.


Only if it's the dependent people who go. But it wouldn't be if you get rid of the immigrants with jobs, which you're not going to. You can't get rid of people with jobs and easily replace them with people not now working. Only a right-wing fantasist would dream of that. Employers certainly wouldn't. They employed people in the first place. Their businesses would be hit when they lost staff. You sound like you have no idea of how business works.

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But we're not skint. As you admit we are talking about expanding Heathrow and building HS2 so there's money about. We're the 6th largest economy in the world. The economy is starting to grow again and I'm sure the government will find money for a Trident replacement. And if we want to grow it's human activity that will make it grow. When the economy tanked a few years ago it was bankers not immigrants that caused it.


You may not care re ethnicity but go back a page or two and people were going on about losing our traditions and heritage and the British being in a minority.

Are you implying that bankers can't be immigrants, in your opinion what proportion of the bankers responsible were white British, and it tanked because people stopped spending.

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It is easy to say that Britain is inanely importing foreigners by the dozen, yet to-day I was in the job centre endeavouring to get the National Insurance Number, which I shall have been going without for nearly two years soon. If the UK is flooded by EU workers, then why on earth is it so hard to enter the National Insurance system? Would they rather have them in the illegal circuit, on the black market? This hardly makes sense to me.

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What does GDP have to do with the wealth of the population?


A country with one billion poor people could easily have a higher GDP than a country with one million rich people.


GDP is the wealth of the population. You're talking about wealth distribution, not wealth creation.

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Only if it's the dependent people who go. But it wouldn't be if you get rid of the immigrants with jobs, which you're not going to. You can't get rid of people with jobs and easily replace them with people not now working.


Go where, who’s said anything about anyone going somewhere.

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Actually we are importing specialist skills but we're also importing unskilled labour as well. Business does love this because labour is what makes business tick over obviously. British citizens can also go and work in other EU states and other EU citizens can work in other EU states than Britain. It's one of the 4 economic freedoms of the 1986 Single Market Act that Thatcher signed, you know, that woman so loved by Eurosceptics.


Indeed and too much of it. Unskilled labour has always been there, add even more unskilled labour to the supply and it just makes it cheaper, that's why business love it, not because it keeps them "ticking over" whatever that means, it's because they can pay less and make more profit.

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