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UK's population growth highest in EU

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White British are no longer in the majority there but British people are. London generates a fifth of the UK's GDP from about an eigth of the population so it's not a good example to say immigration holds London back economically.


I didn't say anything about London being held back, nor anything about the London economy.


I was talking about the British culture.

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Trying to stimulate the economy with a feel good factor seems to have stimulated a bit more than was bargained for.


For people who can afford to have large families then good on them. For those that rely on state benefits with little prospect of a good upbringing then it is cruel and steps should be made to sterilize men and women over 30 who have not worked in 3 years or more.

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Trying to stimulate the economy with a feel good factor seems to have stimulated a bit more than was bargained for.


For people who can afford to have large families then good on them. For those that rely on state benefits with little prospect of a good upbringing then it is cruel and steps should be made to sterilize men and women over 30 who have not worked in 3 years or more.


Sieg heil and all that. I mean, why stop there old chap?

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I believe Sweden has a policy of temporarily sterilising women with addictions or otherwise messed up lifestyles. Hopefully it will catch on. If anyone thinks that's sexist I'm all for the Chav males to be sterilised too if there were a method.


Sweden is often held up as a leftie's dream society.

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Suppose it all depends on who is breeding. If it's chavs and the professional benefit claimants, I suspect these children will be the future scroungers and not much use to society.


Or immigrants taking the mick out of our generous benefits and health services.

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A privilege decided by those having them.


Not if you are infertile.

Not if you are naive about sex.

Not if you don't believe in contraception.

Not if you can't be bothered with contraception.

Not if you are from a society that forbids abortion.

Not if you are raped, or you are a woman in an abusive relationship.



Not for a lot of people basically, and even for those that do decide they might be influenced by culture, peer or family pressure or the benefits system.

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Not if you are infertile. then you are not having them so not part of the group.

Not if you are naive about sex. then you should not be having sex

Not if you don't believe in contraception. then you have to accept the consequences

Not if you can't be bothered with contraception. laziness is not an excuse

Not if you are from a society that forbids abortion. then you take the consequences of your actions, abortion is not a form of contraception

Not if you are raped, or you are a woman in an abusive relationship. correct but this is a tiny proportion of the population and the actions are illegal, so not relevant.


Not for a lot of people basically, and even for those that do decide they might be influenced by culture, peer or family pressure or the benefits system.


Yes it is a lot of people as the majority of women who are having babies do so by choice.

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