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Is ALDI an eventual serious competitor to the big 3 supermarkets?

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I think so. I like Aldi as it's cheap and they have a lot of the same stuff other supermarkets have. Although saying that, I don't like they're ketchup or beetroot. As for rude customers, you can get them anywhere. There was a big horrible one huffing and tutting in ' the posh' supermarket a couple of weeks back.:gag:

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English people can easily be sold rubbish for way too high prices. When I first came here many years ago it was shocking to see what people paid here for basic products because the different supermarkets are separating the social classes as well.

When internet started to develop in UK these extremes started to become smaller because now it was clearly visible online that it was cheaper to fly to new York to buy a stereo or designer dress than get the same ones in meadowhall.

Aldi originally comes from Germany and I have seen some Aldi on the continent long before they came to England.

Aldi is not a class based system, it doesn't support the English line of thinking that poor people pay little for low quality and rich people pay a lot for something better. You can get good quality products and pay little for it. And you are not a scrubber if you do it.

England's philosophy that you have to spent a lot to get something that gives you some status in society has created the weirdest line of supermarkets I have ever seen in any of the countries I have lived.

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English people can easily be sold rubbish for way too high prices. When I first came here many years ago it was shocking to see what people paid here for basic products because the different supermarkets are separating the social classes as well.

When internet started to develop in UK these extremes started to become smaller because now it was clearly visible online that it was cheaper to fly to new York to buy a stereo or designer dress than get the same ones in meadowhall.

Aldi originally comes from Germany and I have seen some Aldi on the continent long before they came to England.

Aldi is not a class based system, it doesn't support the English line of thinking that poor people pay little for low quality and rich people pay a lot for something better. You can get good quality products and pay little for it. And you are not a scrubber if you do it.

England's philosophy that you have to spent a lot to get something that gives you some status in society has created the weirdest line of supermarkets I have ever seen in any of the countries I have lived.


Some people like to be seen spending a lot of money, or buy something really expensive so they can brag about it. If I'm going to spend a fair bit on food, then I'd rather it be spent in local independent artisan shops, like the ones down Sharrow Vale. One thing you I find you can't scrimp on price is art mediums. You definitely get what you pay for in that department. I also think you have to a pay medium price for make up too.

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Having to go to one place for things, then another for other things 'just because its a few pence cheaper' is false economy, you still pay whatever fuel costs to get there and back etc, i just go to one place....

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