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Why are many shoppers at Waitrose and Sainsbury's seen as snobbish?

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In much of the media and social comment I have heard and seen, as well as having patronised those shops on occasion (geographically near to work, etc) they seem to be frequented by mostly, or a great many, middle class patrons?


Why is this?


Or is it one of those 'urban myths' that we believe until we witnessed those stuck-up mums shopping at [now defunct] Netto, shoving their shopping inside Sainsbury's plastic bags??? :hihi::loopy:


Eeeh, it's a classless society!

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In much of the media and social comment I have heard and seen, as well as having patronised those shops on occasion (geographically near to work, etc) they seem to be frequented by mostly, or a great many, middle class patrons?



I know a lot of people who could be described as middle class and wouldn't consider any of them snobbish.


I use Waitrose, Morrisons and Tescos - depends what I'm buying.

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I like Waitrose for a few select things (I certainly couldn't afford to do a weekly shop there).

I do like Morrisons, though I'm not keen on Asda. Just personal preference - nothing to do with snobbery.


Though I did smile when on this very subject the great wit Stephen Fry said something like "Sainsburys serves a useful function: it keeps the scum out of Waitrose".

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they seem to be frequented by mostly, or a great many, middle class patrons?


Why is this?


Dunno about Sainsburys (I've almways been a bit mystified that they are seen as "posh", I guess it's all relative) but Waitrose do have a reputation for high quality produce, at prices to match.


I can just see Wayne McChav and his brood venturing in there.


"F**kin' 'ell, £3.50 for f**kin' bacon, **** that, I'm off to f**kin' Aldi where it's 85p".

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You can tell who is snobbish just by the way they are. Some people who think they're better than everyone else go to those stores and some don't. I've seen snobs in Aldi before and I've seen chavs in Waitrose. Why some people feel the need to socially seperate themselves from others I don't know.

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You can tell who is snobbish just by the way they are. Some people who think they're better than everyone else go to those stores and some don't. I've seen snobs in Aldi before and I've seen chavs in Waitrose. Why some people feel the need to socially seperate themselves from others I don't know.


Sainsburys take the mik with their prices as opposed to other stores, if idiots think it's clever to go and spend extra money for the same items you can get cheaper elsewhere that's their dumb fault, some people must think that their in with the in crowd surrounded by money people, well here is some news, real money people not those what look the part and are in grandsworth of debt to look like they have plenty go to the cheaper stores, real money people are frugle, shrewd, tight with their money that's why they have loads, plus they look scruffy and don't give a damm about their appearance, I know this because I lived and worked in Chelsea for many years. The majority of real Millionaires are less pretentious than the 50 bob ones.:gag:

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The majority of real Millionaires are less pretentious than the 50 bob ones.:gag:


That I know, I've seen it many times before but people can also be a millionaire and still be obnoxious just the same as less wealth off can be obnoxious and some not. It's a percentage game.

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Sainsbury are not over priced in my experience particularly if you look for the offers.


They have brand match where if spend over £20 and the branded products would have been cheaper at Tesco or asda they give you a coupon which can be used at your next shop.


They also give nectar points.

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Sainsburys take the mik with their prices as opposed to other stores, if idiots think it's clever to go and spend extra money for the same items you can get cheaper elsewhere that's their dumb fault, some people must think that their in with the in crowd surrounded by money people, well here is some news, real money people not those what look the part and are in grandsworth of debt to look like they have plenty go to the cheaper stores, real money people are frugle, shrewd, tight with their money that's why they have loads, plus they look scruffy and don't give a damm about their appearance, I know this because I lived and worked in Chelsea for many years. The majority of real Millionaires are less pretentious than the 50 bob ones.:gag:
What a load of tripe!...............by the way your best place for that is the Castle market!...plenty of wise nipscrats there.
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