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E U flags to be stamped on British birth certificates?

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We're part of the EU. Get over it. Its going to be the ONLY way the UK doesn't sink into obscurity in the future.


Yep its time we integrated more, EU should be one set of laws for everyone, same benefits, same minimum wage, same currency, just one government making all the decision, one language and the free movement without passports.


---------- Post added 10-08-2013 at 17:50 ----------


i should imagine if you were one of the affected parties itd be slightly more than trivial?


It was trivial when I was affected and would still be trivial if I was affected again.

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Only if you're the kind of clown who reads the Fail, votes UKIP and says 'Bongo bongo land' three times before breakfast.


Can I suggest that you need to grow up a little and find something that actually matters to get red faced and shouty about?


How about the fact thatBritish citizen Mr Shaker Aamer has been held at Guantanamo for eleven years without trial?


Or that black Britons are still more likely to get stopped by the police?


Or that there are still people sleeping on the streets?


Well, for whatever reason, their crime percentage outweighs their population percentage. We would need to address the root of the issue rather that just stopping the police from pulling over black people.

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Only if you're the kind of clown who reads the Fail, votes UKIP and says 'Bongo bongo land' three times before breakfast.


Can I suggest that you need to grow up a little and find something that actually matters to get red faced and shouty about?


How about the fact thatBritish citizen Mr Shaker Aamer has been held at Guantanamo for eleven years without trial?


Or that black Britons are still more likely to get stopped by the police?


Or that there are still people sleeping on the streets?


well quelle suprise????? halibut is on the case again, sorry to disappoint you but there is a growing feeling in the uk that things like this will no longer be tolerated, hence the rise and still rising UKIP vote.

these things do matter to the british people actually we dont want or need to be told what to put on passports or birth certificates here by some euro twit!


1.regarding the rest of your little agenda...Mr shaker who...dont care but i am sure he is there for a damn good reason?

2.ha ha that old chestnut.

3. people still sleeping on the streets because we have given all the houses and flats to asylum seekers and illegal immigrants:roll::roll:

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Or that black Britons are still more likely to get stopped by the police?



Are black Britains more likely to have committed a crime? I read a statistic, some years ago that claimed 80% of all street crime (muggings, assaults etc) in London where committed by black men.


This is obviously not a universal issue and is only effective in small areas and communities, but I have no problem with the police stopping and searching people based on the proportion of crime committed in an area by a specific ethnic group.


---------- Post added 10-08-2013 at 18:56 ----------


well quelle suprise????? halibut is on the case again, sorry to disappoint you but there is a growing feeling in the uk that things like this will no longer be tolerated, hence the rise and still rising UKIP vote.

these things do matter to the british people actually we dont want or need to be told what to put on passports or birth certificates here by some euro twit!


1.regarding the rest of your little agenda...Mr shaker who...dont care but i am sure he is there for a damn good reason?

2.ha ha that old chestnut.

3. people still sleeping on the streets because we have given all the houses and flats to asylum seekers and illegal immigrants:roll::roll:


Adam, serious question (and I hear your concerns). The Eu flag is not going to replace the Union Jack, just be on our passports like all other EU countries. What is the problem with it? We are part of the EU so why not have the flag on our passport? What does it change?

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Are black Britains more likely to have committed a crime? I read a statistic, some years ago that claimed 80% of all street crime (muggings, assaults etc) in London where committed by black men.


This is obviously not a universal issue and is only effective in small areas and communities, but I have no problem with the police stopping and searching people based on the proportion of crime committed in an area by a specific ethnic group.


---------- Post added 10-08-2013 at 18:56 ----------



Adam, serious question (and I hear your concerns). The Eu flag is not going to replace the Union Jack, just be on our passports like all other EU countries. What is the problem with it? We are part of the EU so why not have the flag on our passport? What does it change?


its just another nail in the coffin that is the UK!! no it wont hurt anyone if the eu flag is there.... but why?? i understand it will replace the royal warrant/coat of arms another piece of our heritage gone to eu bureaucrats to make us all inclusive!! sorry i dont want to be part of europe or all inclusive and there is a growing mainstream that think the same as i do. i dont believe there is as much benefit to euro membership as we are led to believe and as we pay in to the eu far more than we get out it seems a no win for us in the UK. we are dictated to by Brussels, did you know that government buildings and depts get fined if they dont display the euro flag on certain days????:huh::loopy:


---------- Post added 10-08-2013 at 20:05 ----------


by the way Wex i like your signature line ...very apt for this forum

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What an outrage this is, the British people have never been asked weather we wanted to be part of the EU, yet it wants to brand us all EU citizens.


Edit: can't post a link due to the fact I've not made enough posts yet!


EU propaganda, it's to brainwash future generations into being proud citizens of a political union and federal Europe run by a bunch of unelected unaccountable political elite. They hope by stamping all citizens with the EU flag in this way, all opposition will eventually disappear and they will be free to abolish national nation state democracy and unite Europe under one central government.

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