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E U flags to be stamped on British birth certificates?

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What an outrage this is, the British people have never been asked weather we wanted to be part of the EU, yet it wants to brand us all EU citizens.Edit: can't post a link due to the fact I've not made enough posts yet!


Cant make everyone happy. Many Brits are happy that they can move to, work or retire in other EU countries without visas or passports.

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What an outrage this is, the British people have never been asked weather we wanted to be part of the EU, yet it wants to brand us all EU citizens.


Edit: can't post a link due to the fact I've not made enough posts yet!


It's not an outrage, get things in perspective.


It's just the Waily Mail winding its readers up

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It's not an outrage, get things in perspective.


It's just the Waily Mail winding its readers up


Reading an article on the Telegraph website it was Eric Pickles responding to the fact that in future the same form will be used across the EU to apply for passports. He said this might happen and that might happen as a result but he never gave any concrete evidence that anything would. It's just a knee-jerk response to appease the numpties who vote UKIP. Some years ago the front of UK passports changed from black to their current red colour but the Queen's still on the throne and we're still speaking English. As long as it winds up the Little Englanders who cares?

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The EU is an outrageous money-squandering machine. It resides in a little city of its own inside Brussels, where all the apparatchiks enjoy private supermarkets, post offices or hairdressers. These facilities are not accessible to commoners. Furthermore, every couple of months, the entire circus moves house to Strasbourg at the tax-payer’s expense.

Salaries are very generous indeed; even cleaning staff earn more than the average white-collar office slave who is not an EU bureaucrat. I myself once sat the official state exam to become an EU translator, which, had I succeeded, would have probably made me earn double the pay that I get now. (On the other hand, I would have lived in Brussels, which is a horrible hellhole of a city.)


So, on the whole: the EU is a failure. Admittedly, not so much as the euro currency, which is an embarrassment to all involved, but from its — very undemocratic, top-down — inception onwards, all it has done is expand into a gigantic public money incinerator. I, for one, should rather not be associated with it.

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What an outrage this is, the British people have never been asked weather we wanted to be part of the EU, yet it wants to brand us all EU citizens.


Edit: can't post a link due to the fact I've not made enough posts yet!



Not true, we've been asked whether we wanted to be in the EU in the 1975 referendum. The question was:


“Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (The Common Market)?”


67% of voters said yes back then.


However, I don't see the need for our birth certificates to bear the EU flag and it would be better for EU nations to retain their own identity within the EU.

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And what has any of that got to do with putting EU flags on birth certificates?


Not sure what a birth certificate is, to be honest. I’ve never owned one; I’m just a number in a national register somewhere. It must be a lacuna in my education. Anyroad, why would you want to be promoting the EU on your birth certificate (whatsoever that may be)? The only advantage I can conceive of is advertising revenue for the EU’s PR department. A most immoral thing to impose upon anyone, I should think, given the Moloch’s nefarious nature. Nay, that very flag is an insult.

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