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A Flatulent Tale!

old tup

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A few years ago me and my mate were doing some work fitting Sky cables in a big office block in the city,we were in the small printing room just off one of the offices when the door opened and this young lady sort of backed into the door backside first stood there for a few seconds and let a real loud fart out in our direction,next thing she started patting her backside like she was trying to dissipate the smell before she went back into the office,we were laughing so much there were tears in our eyes she had obviously not seen us in the room.there was a little window in the door and when I had a look through it she was sat at a desk right outside the room with her back to the room,we came out of the room trying not to laugh and embarrass her,but as we came out of the room I didn't realize I was dragging a cable behind me that had come of the cable roller and my mate tripped over it and fell out of the door on to the floor right next to the farting lady,I think she must have realized we were in the room when she stuck her bum through the door,the next thing she gets up and runs off across the office with her head in hands shaking her head from side to side we never did see what she looked like but she had a very nice bum..

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Yet another embarrassing incident recalled,before we moved to Mosborough we lived at Aston-cum-Aughton,I frequented the Roland Arms at that time!.It was darts night and I went in early for a little practice in the tap room,one side of the room had an alcove.I got my pint turned and saw a pal sat on his own opposite the same,I plonked my pint on his table got out my darts when I realised I had a bad build up of Billy Windies.Without hesitation I exploded forth a real humdinger,my pal went into hysterics eyes watering laughing uncontrollaby setting me off until I was the same!.When I calmed down I picked up my darts turned to face the dartboard and spotted why he went off like he did,sat in the alcove where I hadn,t seen her was a girl waiting for her boyfriend.If looks could kill I would be six foot under,yet another time my rear quarters had embarressed me!.

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