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Are Bicycles Road Worthy?

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Having past a few on the bus over the years, I have come to the conclusion that bicycles should be removed from the roads.


They are a danger to other motorists as well as themselves on busy junctions and main roads.


I have past many going up City Road holding a fleet of vehicles behind including buses and trams.


I dread to think what would happen if one of the bikes going up that road got their wheels wedged in the tram line grooves with vehicles behind, even worse if they got trapped at speed and fell sideways under a bus or worse tram wheels.


I think that paths should be widened removing grass verge strips that are no use to humanity and let the peddle bikes run on them, after all, cyclists do not pay road tax to be on the roads and are often in danger of doing some serious damage.


You have seen it in wet or windy conditions, cars come round the corner and there is some cyclist right in front struggling to power the bike up hill and is swaying side to side in the wind, very dicey.


So either charge cyclists an annual fee to be on the roads or make other safer and logical arrangements instead.


Don't get me wrong, I had a mountain bike and loved nothing more than to race around and get about, but I always hated going on main roads with cars behind me and felt that I need to speed up myself but in doing so enhancing more dangers to safety.


I am looking for a new rugged light weight mountain bike to get around but am bleakly aware of the ever cluttered and dangerous highways in which I will need to travel.

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Having past a few on the bus over the years, I have come to the conclusion that bicycles should be removed from the roads.


They are a danger to other motorists as well as themselves on busy junctions and main roads.


I have past many going up City Road holding a fleet of vehicles behind including buses and trams.


I dread to think what would happen if one of the bikes going up that road got their wheels wedged in the tram line grooves with vehicles behind, even worse if they got trapped at speed and fell sideways under a bus or worse tram wheels.


I think that paths should be widened removing grass verge strips that are no use to humanity and let the peddle bikes run on them, after all, cyclists do not pay road tax to be on the roads and are often in danger of doing some serious damage.


You have seen it in wet or windy conditions, cars come round the corner and there is some cyclist right in front struggling to power the bike up hill and is swaying side to side in the wind, very dicey.


So either charge cyclists an annual fee to be on the roads or make other safer and logical arrangements instead.


Don't get me wrong, I had a mountain bike and loved nothing more than to race around and get about, but I always hated going on main roads with cars behind me and felt that I need to speed up myself but in doing so enhancing more dangers to safety.


I am looking for a new rugged light weight mountain bike to get around but am bleakly aware of the ever cluttered and dangerous highways in which I will need to travel.


City road is ok to cycle up. There is plenty of space between the curb and the tram track for a cyclist to stay on the inside and not to need to cross the tram tracks. It is also a wide road so they shouldn't hold a bus up. It's the the only piece of road with a tram track that I'll cycle on.


Cycling down needs a bit more attention, and as such I keep to the middle of the tram tracks so I won't need to cross the them to avoid the drains on the inside.

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Cycling thread on here are usually somewhat controversial, and don't often last long.

I feel I must point out that 'road tax' doesn't exist, even though I know some people won't listen. There'll no doubt be numerous people saying 'cyclists don't pay road tax so shouldn't use the roads'. We all pay for the upkeep of the roads through council tax. Motorists pay VED (apart from exempt vehicles and some disabled drivers).

I commute by bike, and I use Penistone Road. Mostly I ride on the road, its quicker and there are less obstacles (rather than the cycle path/shared use path). Never had any problems, you get the odd idiot (drivers, cyclists and pedestrians) but that's true of anything.

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So either charge cyclists an annual fee to be on the roads or make other safer and logical arrangements instead.


Yes, I'm sure each cyclist paying an annual fee will make them impervious to being hit by cars like some magic force field!


What planet are you from? It is car drivers who should be careful where they are going and should only overtake when it is safe to do so. As a cyclist I can tell you it is no fun being on the road with car drivers on busy roads but sometimes there is no other option.


As a car driver as well I can tell you it is inconvenient being stuck behind a cyclist, it is also inconvenient being stuck behind buses and tractors, but I'd rather be late then have someone's life on my conscience.

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