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Labour Attacks Tesco Over Foreign Staff!

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Its too far away from the election, but a bit of big companies taking advantage of the poor is always a thumbs up from Labour voters.


Big companies? You mean the coalition government with its antisocial policies. The criticism at the moment is that Labour have no policies but it doesn't matter if they're going to win an election. The tories didn't have any policies in the run up to the 2010 election but they just edged it. If they had said they would do what they are doing now they would have never got that edge. But this topic is for another thread, not this one.

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The criticism at the moment is that Labour have no policies but it doesn't matter if they're going to win an election.


That depends on the opinion polls going in to the election. It didn't matter in 1997 and 2010 because the respective Tory and Labour governments were always going to get voted out. In two years we may have had a couple of years of economic growth and recovering economy and Cameron may be far more popular then than Major and Brown were.


There's a poll on the Guardian website showing the Tories are trusted more on the economy than Labour are. Miliband has to do something about that. Having some policies might help.

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There's a poll on the Guardian website showing the Tories are trusted more on the economy than Labour are. Miliband has to do something about that. Having some policies might help.


That's what influencing public opinion by sensationalism in the media is all about. But as I said, that's for another thread

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I think its important to understand that the minimum wage is worth, in reality, much more to overseas staff. I've seen quoted that it is ten times the wage they'd get back home. So if someone comes over and is extremely frugal they can amass a tidy amount to take home. in say 5 years. Enough to set themselves up back home. So the minimum wage is much more use to these people. The British, of whatever race, just don't have the same incentive. This notion that the British are not good workers contradicts the fact that Britain has been a world leader for hundreds of years.

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I think its important to understand that the minimum wage is worth, in reality, much more to overseas staff. I've seen quoted that it is ten times the wage they'd get back home. So if someone comes over and is extremely frugal they can amass a tidy amount to take home. in say 5 years. Enough to set themselves up back home. So the minimum wage is much more use to these people. The British, of whatever race, just don't have the same incentive. This notion that the British are not good workers contradicts the fact that Britain has been a world leader for hundreds of years.


The idea that the British are lazy, and poor workers is pushed around by the people coming over here mostly. I don't consider that true, and I don't think that the mass influx of poor quality shops and car washes are exactly helping us.

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And besides, it wasn't Labour, it was a person belonging to the Labour political party. Not has he actually said it wither, he was going to but change his mind in face of criticism and since the majority of people on these forums, if not the UK, I don't see what the problem is.

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And besides, it wasn't Labour, it was a person belonging to the Labour political party. Not has he actually said it wither, he was going to but change his mind in face of criticism and since the majority of people on these forums, if not the UK, I don't see what the problem is.


A bit early in the day to be drunk or is it a carry over from last night?

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...I visited the BMW plant in Munich a few years ago. Whilst there were large numbers of Germans working there there was also a very large proportion of Turkish workers who were given work permits purely to work on the car assembly lines.



The relationship between Germany and Turkey goes back to the pacts between Germany and the Ottoman empire and the treaties during both World Wars. There are very many Turks and Kurds in Germany (though the barriers to entry have risen recently.)

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