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Labour Attacks Tesco Over Foreign Staff!

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But you write the same things on every thread.


Who are you trying to influence? Is it just to convince yourself?


That's because I'm right and you know it, so your reply is the only counter you give and is totally expected.


---------- Post added 15-08-2013 at 07:42 ----------


It was incredibly bad, I am no socialist but I do recognize the importance of having a credible opposition. How did Labour central office allow him to do this?


Could there be a plot within the Labour party to oust these front bench cretins, are they actually being set up to fail?


Why should Milliband, I assume that's who you're talking about, do or say anything? Disasterous Dave didn't state many policies before the 2010 election, in fact I distinctly remember most of the talk was that he didn't have many policies in the election run-up. That said, I can't blame him for keeping stum because if he said what he was going to implement the policies we are seeing today he would have got hammered.


Why are people having a go at Milliband, since it's quite clear that some people on here are criticising him but support his view?

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Why should Milliband, I assume that's who you're talking about, do or say anything?


Because if you leave it too late to let people know what you're going to do you run the risk of the other side having all the momentum.....

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I think part of the problem with Milliband is that people do not know what he stands for AND his personality does not come over well either.


Well, it seemed evident at the time, that his brother was more popular and more articular

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I see Johnson as electable, I disagree with most of his policies but respect the man as honestly believing in them.


To repeat a serious point, it is a serious dereliction of the duty of an opposition to appear so hopeless. The last time we had this was the Tories under Hague and IDS. However Blair, at the time, was unbeatable, but look what happened, he went unchallenged, thought he was god and we end up with the city going bonkers and 500,000 dead in Iraq.


Similarly under Michael Foot, then Kinnock, Thatcher reigned unchallenged and unfettered from serious challenge.


It is not good for the country.


Milliband should stand down, so should most of the Labour front bench who are tainted with the Blair / Brown smear. Allow some of the younger backbenchers to come through lead by Alan Johnson, a safe pair of hands while the party sorts itself out.

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That's because I'm right and you know it, so your reply is the only counter you give and is totally expected.


I make suggestions in threads.

I put up views.

I ask questions.

I answer every post that quotes me.


You on the other hand just copy and paste the same drivel, and rarely answer anything, other than 'I knew you'd say that' as you have here. That isn't debate or discussion.


That's because I'm right and you know it, so your reply is the only counter you give and is totally expected.

What are you right about this time?


You didn't answer post #60. You said education isn't free as we're reminded on here often enough.




Do I think you're right wanting to close down major employers because they don't fit into your communist ideology? Yes, I think you do think that - I think that it's ludicrous and not the right way to go.


Do I think you're right wanting people with money and who employ people to sod off abroad? I think you think that's right too, that's also ludicrous.


If you think that I think you're right about pretty much anything, then it's safe to say that you are seriously delusional.

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I make suggestions in threads.

I put up views.

I ask questions.

I answer every post that quotes me.


You on the other hand just copy and paste the same drivel, and rarely answer anything, other than 'I knew you'd say that' as you have here. That isn't debate or discussion.



What are you right about this time?


You didn't answer post #60. You said education isn't free as we're reminded on here often enough.




Do I think you're right wanting to close down major employers because they don't fit into your communist ideology? Yes, I think you do think that - I think that it's ludicrous and not the right way to go.


Do I think you're right wanting people with money and who employ people to sod off abroad? I think you think that's right too, that's also ludicrous.


If you think that I think you're right about pretty much anything, then it's safe to say that you are seriously delusional.


I'm not really bothered what you think even though I know what you think.

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I'm not really bothered what you think even though I know what you think.


I don't think anyone is bothered what you think either, because you are as predictable as a Mills & Boom. Even the politicians aren't bothered what you think. The Labour Party have your vote in the bag and need not waste time and resources worrying about your opinion or needs. They concentrate those on folks they hope might be persuaded into the camp, not ones who were born there and will die there.


A poke in the eye and you'd still vote for em.

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I don't think anyone is bothered what you think either, because you are as predictable as a Mills & Boom. Even the politicians aren't bothered what you think. The Labour Party have your vote in the bag and need not waste time and resources worrying about your opinion or needs. They concentrate those on folks they hope might be persuaded into the camp, not ones who were born there and will die there.


A poke in the eye and you'd still vote for em.


Probably not, but I don't care people think of me.

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Probably not, but I don't care people think of me.


You are a staunch defender of your beliefs. I respect you for that. I think you were indoctrinated in a time when your beliefs had some merit, but they are outmoded. Why not take the risk of thinking for yourself?


Just give yourself time and really consider what you are defending. If you really do that, happiness, truth, beauty and wisdom will come to you.

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