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Labour Attacks Tesco Over Foreign Staff!

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Interesting to see the leader of the GMB union attacking tax credits.



this bit?


The GMB union said the government was "directly responsible" for the fall in wages.


"Employers paying low wages get taxpayer subsidies in the form of tax credits to assemble a workforce for them to make decent profit margins," it said.


its like the chicken and the egg, which came first, the low wage or the tax credit, lol

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I thought tax credits were a labour idea? And how many lower end union workers are on them who work in the public sector, even the unions themselves (unless the gmb have some very well paid cleaners)? Not sure I want to pay a vast amount more in tax thanks.


---------- Post added 11-08-2013 at 16:54 ----------


I think some businesses do it for that reason, particularly those that employ illegal immigrants. No comment on Tesco, they seem to be denying this MPs claims.


Well they certainly employ foreigners, as do all the major hotel chains, in big numbers too. Are they in on it? Not sure how tesco can deny it though, didn't they take a team to Europe to find staff?


EDIT: yes they did if the mail is to believed (which it normally isn't - they all lie) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1365545/Tesco-recruits-Slovakia-store-managers-British-workers-shun-supermarket-jobs.html

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I thought tax credits were a labour idea? And how many lower end union workers are on them who work in the public sector, even the unions themselves (unless the gmb have some very well paid cleaners)? Not sure I want to pay a vast amount more in tax thanks.


---------- Post added 11-08-2013 at 16:54 ----------



Well they certainly employ foreigners, as do all the major hotel chains, in big numbers too. Are they in on it? Not sure how tesco can deny it though, didn't they take a team to Europe to find staff?


EDIT: yes they did if the mail is to believed (which it normally isn't - they all lie) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1365545/Tesco-recruits-Slovakia-store-managers-British-workers-shun-supermarket-jobs.html


I've no doubt Tesco employ foreigners & there's nothing wrong with that. I haven't seen any evidence that they prefer to employ foreigners over local people, all the Tescos that I've been in seem to have local staff. The Daily Mail are as bad as our politicians for making stuff up.

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I've no doubt Tesco employ foreigners & there's nothing wrong with that. I haven't seen any evidence that they prefer to employ foreigners over local people, all the Tescos that I've been in seem to have local staff.


Key word there is local. If the shop is in an area with a high number of immigrants, surely it's natural the shop will employ a few?

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Key word there is local. If the shop is in an area with a high number of immigrants, surely it's natural the shop will employ a few?


Of course, but did Tesco advertise in some foreign country & ship them in specially, or are they employing local immigrants that may have been here for some time & didn't come specifically to work for Tesco? The front of shop staff in the Tescos in Sheffield usually have a Sheffield accent.


Maybe they ship them in in London to keep wages low, as it's even harder to live off minimum wage there. I haven't seen any evidence myself in Sheffield.

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I'm sure I can't be the only person on SF to remember the following story?


Labour 'sent out search parties for immigrants', Lord Mandelson admit


The former Cabinet minister confirmed for the first time that New Labour not only welcomed but actively encouraged that mass influx of migrants.


He conceded that this now poses a major difficulty for the party’s traditional supporters, according to the Daily Mail.


Earlier this year Ed Miliband admitted that the last Labour government was not “sufficiently alive to people's concerns” over immigration and his party got “the numbers wrong”.


But the party leader stopped short of admitting that immigration was too high.




Now maybe it's a tad hypocritical of Ed, Ed and Eddie to start complaining about the effects of a policy (unofficial, undeclared and kept from the public until after the fact) that they were a part of?


Guess what guys, these "great ideas" of yours have consequences, particularly for the very people you (claim) to represent.


Apparently all these new people don't just live on fresh air, they need jobs.


Who knew? :huh:

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I assume that everyone at Tesco is on minimum wage so why would it be in Tesco's interest for employ people from Eastern European countries.


Just a quick point. Tesco does not just pay minimum wage. At the moment I believe staff are on over £7 per hour, when minimum wage is £6.19 per hour for over 21s.


But I don't believe they are employing people from other countries, unless they are already living here. As someone else pointed out, they go for people in the local area so the nationalities working in the stores will depend upon the nationalities of the locals.

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