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Labour Attacks Tesco Over Foreign Staff!

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Seems like he wrote his original speech on the back of a beermat in the pub.


"Hmmm, who can we attack this week in order to appeal to UKIP voters....hmmm, I know! Big business and immigrants!"


He's just made himself look silly.


A big screw up by Bryant this. But it said on the news this morning that Miliband is due back from holiday today to sort out the mess. Uh oh.

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The reason so many employers prefer foreign workers is because many British school and college leavers are unemployable, having been let down by an education system that hasn't disciplined or educated them. When we had corporal punishment, it may have seemed harsh at times and certainly there were sadistic teachers who enjoyed handing it out, but it produced young people who were educated, disciplined and had an expectation of working for their money. I've worked in schools and colleges and seen how the lack of discipline has led to chaos in classrooms with teachers and lecturers powerless to control the classes.

They stroll in when whenever it suits them and sit with their hoods up, fiddling with their mobile phones all through the lessons. They talk over the lecturers and cannot understand that this is unacceptable behaviour. What chance do they stand in competing with workers from countries who have no feather bedded benefits net and are hungry to work?

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The reason so many employers prefer foreign workers is because many British school and college leavers are unemployable, having been let down by an education system that hasn't disciplined or educated them. When we had corporal punishment, it may have seemed harsh at times and certainly there were sadistic teachers who enjoyed handing it out, but it produced young people who were educated, disciplined and had an expectation of working for their money. I've worked in schools and colleges and seen how the lack of discipline has led to chaos in classrooms with teachers and lecturers powerless to control the classes.

They stroll in when whenever it suits them and sit with their hoods up, fiddling with their mobile phones all through the lessons. They talk over the lecturers and cannot understand that this is unacceptable behaviour. What chance do they stand in competing with workers from countries who have no feather bedded benefits net and are hungry to work?


You say "let down", I say "they didn't take full advantage of the education that was freely available to them".

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A big screw up by Bryant this. But it said on the news this morning that Miliband is due back from holiday today to sort out the mess. Uh oh.


This is more great things from Labour; we need a difference between Labour and Conservative.

Labour are pro UK workers and the Conservatives just want big companies to make money, at the expense of anyone.

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Tesco would have to pay more than minimum wage if it wanted to only employ non-immigrant staff. Saying the minimum wage prevents cheap labour is a joke. Staff working for the minimum wage ARE cheap labour.


I remember a supermarket in Shropshire had to recruit abroad a few years ago because no local labour wanted the menial tasks. Certainly if you go into Aldi at Millhouses they have vacancies most of the time.


If UK citizens would rather sit on their backsides on benefits than work you can hardly blame employers from picking up labour abroad. On a recent trip to London I don't think I ever found bar staff/waiters who had a real command of English.

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Exactly and even before the speech they are having to backtrack because they have allegedly got some of their facts wrong.


The coalition may be unpopular but labour just don't seem to be able to capitalise.


I loved this bit...




The MP attacked the clothing chain Next for bringing hundreds of Polish workers to Britain to staff its summer sale, and criticised Tesco for moving its distribution centre from Kent in order to pay lower wages.


Both firms retaliated and protested to Mr Bryant, with Next saying that a lack of local workers meant it had to hire from abroad while Tesco said its distribution centre had never been in Kent.

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I remember a supermarket in Shropshire had to recruit abroad a few years ago because no local labour wanted the menial tasks. Certainly if you go into Aldi at Millhouses they have vacancies most of the time.


If UK citizens would rather sit on their backsides on benefits than work you can hardly blame employers from picking up labour abroad. On a recent trip to London I don't think I ever found bar staff/waiters who had a real command of English.

What would employers do if they couldn't "pick up labour abroad"? Oh that's right, pay wages that people are prepared to work for. You know, how they used to do before mass immigration?

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What would employers do if they couldn't "pick up labour abroad"? Oh that's right, pay wages that people are prepared to work for. You know, how they used to do before mass immigration?


that was a long time ago, there was once a mass influx of Romans and even earlier there was mass arrivals before the land bridge to mainland europe got shut off by the sea

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You say "let down", I say "they didn't take full advantage of the education that was freely available to them".


Education is not free as we are quite often reminded on here. Besides, what education do you need to collect a trolly from the carpark or stack shelves?

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