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Labour Attacks Tesco Over Foreign Staff!

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Rubbish. Most people were working for decent wages before Labour got in in 1997. Wages in real terms plummetted under their government, mainly because of mass immigration.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 13:40 ----------


that was a long time ago, there was once a mass influx of Romans and even earlier there was mass arrivals before the land bridge to mainland europe got shut off by the sea


Rubbish. Most people were working for decent wages before Labour got in in 1997. Wages in real terms plummetted under their government, mainly because of mass immigration.

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I spout what I see.


I work a lot in London where you are more often than not served in shops by foreign workers from places like Poland. You can see the work effort - everything is done quickly, politely and professionally. They respect their employer and their customers and expect to work hard for their money.


Too many of the British unemployed think they are better than the jobs and pay on offer when the opposite is actually true... they are not good enough. Employers are looking to foreigners for quality and not cheap labour. It is embarrassing.


It's good too see some sense back again in here.

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What would employers do if they couldn't "pick up labour abroad"? Oh that's right, pay wages that people are prepared to work for. You know, how they used to do before mass immigration?


Ah yes. But that would put up the price of the frozen peas and so folk would want a pay rise to pay for that. Then of course there would be the folk who work at Ford saying we need a pay rise because the folk at Tescos are paid more than us. Then of course Ford find it far cheaper to close its UK plants and make cars in eastern Europe where wages are less. Then we would have more folk out of work but the work they would have had if there were any would be well paid... but it wouldn't exist.

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Why would the folk at Ford need a pay rise? If they think that Tesco pays more, leave and get a job there!


Food is far cheaper in this country today than it was when wages were fairer.


Its called differentials. The folk at Tesco get a pay rise, so the folk who clean the bogs at Ford get a pay rise. That erodes their differential to the floor sweeper ...blah blah..canteenstaff...blah blah. assembly workers and the tool makers want a pay rise because the assembly workers got one.


By the way Ford closed its last assembly plant in the UK 2 weeks ago and now manufactures no cars or vans at all in the UK. But it does manufacture rather a lot in eastern Europe where the bog cleaner is paid less than a shelf stacker at Tesco UK.

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That is why UK wages are doing very poorly, too many people, foriegners taking low paid jobs.




But I thought, or so we were told, that migrants take those jobs because no British wanted to do them? You can't have it both ways, besides, I thought employers would prefer to pay their workers as little as possible?

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Education is not free as we are quite often reminded on here. Besides, what education do you need to collect a trolly from the carpark or stack shelves?


Are you suggesting that education isn't free to the level required for most jobs?


? Shelve stackers, checkout assistants, and stock checking etc. Maths for a start. Reading and writing to a decent standard. All free education.


Not surprised to see you posting in this though. Remember when you said you would close Tesco down if you were in charge Even at the cost of 250,000 people's jobs? With policies like yours, who needs a recession.

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