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Labour Attacks Tesco Over Foreign Staff!

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So what will all those redundant drivers do?


Blame it on Maggie, of course.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 18:18 ----------


The Governor of the Bank of England is a migrant worker. It is an illustration that they aren't all on minimum wage. Some are doctors some are labourers. But many find work here because they have a better work ethic than some British workers. There is no point giving a job to a layabout just because he's British when someone from Latvia will do the job conscientiously.


I'm not sure why you're sucking up to me - but thanks, anyway. :hihi:


I immigrated to the UK in 1968. I did my share of menial jobs ... but not for too long.


As it happens, I too took a job which my employer was having difficulty in filling through local hire. It didn't pay a Million a year (though the boss was reputed to be fairly wealthy) and - as jobs go - it was pretty good. I've certainly few regrets.

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So what will all those redundant drivers do?


They could go to Turkey and assemble Fords, or to Poland to pick fruit and vegetables. Perhaps even work in a call centre in Bulgaria. They are crying out for unskilled labour over there now that our industries have moved bases there and their unskilled labour is over here stacking shelves at Tesco.

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I spout what I see.


I work a lot in London where you are more often than not served in shops by foreign workers from places like Poland. You can see the work effort - everything is done quickly, politely and professionally. They respect their employer and their customers and expect to work hard for their money.


Too many of the British unemployed think they are better than the jobs and pay on offer when the opposite is actually true... they are not good enough. Employers are looking to foreigners for quality and not cheap labour. It is embarrassing.


I don't buy that for 1 second.

Managers get bonuses for cheap labour,and not happy smiley quality shelf stackers!

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They could go to Turkey and assemble Fords, or to Poland to pick fruit and vegetables. Perhaps even work in a call centre in Bulgaria. They are crying out for unskilled labour over there now that our industries have moved bases there and their unskilled labour is over here stacking shelves at Tesco.


But won't the migrants who aren't needed in the UK, according to some people, be doing that?

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... It reminds me of a story at a car plant in the US. A manager told a union official that they were investing in robots to build cars as they wouldn't go on strike. The union rep said they wouldn't buy the company's cars either. If people don't have jobs there's no consumer economy.


And that, in turn, reminds me of a story about a car factory in the UK.


The workers went on strike for more money. Or for 'better conditions'. Or just because they wanted the afternoon off to play golf.


They got what they wanted. The price of the items they produced went up and the quality went down.


All the consumers (those people who are a part of your 'consumer economy') bought rice burners because they were (a) more reliable and (b) cheaper.


The car manufacturer closed down.

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They could go to Turkey and assemble Fords, or to Poland to pick fruit and vegetables. Perhaps even work in a call centre in Bulgaria. They are crying out for unskilled labour over there now that our industries have moved bases there and their unskilled labour is over here stacking shelves at Tesco.


Evidence that the British are workshy, idle, fat, uneducated and unemployable?

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Some of them may be, but by no means all of them.


There is a significant number of British Companies which compete successfully against all comers.


I doubt that many of those companies have a large number of unskilled poorly-educated workers, though.

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But won't the migrants who aren't needed in the UK, according to some people, be doing that?


Not really. There are folk in Bulgaria doing Bulgarian stuff that they were doing for decades. There are folk from Bulgaria over here doing jobs that Brits won't do. Now the workforce that remains in Bulgaria is taking on the jobs from factories that have moved from the UK. They don't have an unlimited population.

So if the Bulgarians are now expected to grow the crops over there to replace the ones that no one harvests over here they will be a bit short of folk to take on all those jobs. Perhaps you should apply for one. I think they still have a few of the old commies over there who would tell you how much better it was in the communist days when they drove around in a horse and cart to pick up their allocation of turnips.


---------- Post added 12-08-2013 at 22:27 ----------


Some of them may be, but by no means all of them.


There is a significant number of British Companies which compete successfully against all comers.


I doubt that many of those companies have a large number of unskilled poorly-educated workers, though.


I visited the BMW plant in Munich a few years ago. Whilst there were large numbers of Germans working there there was also a very large proportion of Turkish workers who were given work permits purely to work on the car assembly lines.

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Lol what a mess Labour are getting themselves into and everybody can see right though them.


Its too far away from the election, but a bit of big companies taking advantage of the poor is always a thumbs up from Labour voters.

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