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Mosque open day

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The Great Umayyad Mosque in Damascus is probably my favourite out of the ones I've visited. Visitors are made welcome, and even photography is permitted.

I doubt I'll be back for a while unfortunately.


Cordoba is worth a visit too, though photography isn't allowed there.




And a couple of mine;


Great Umayyad Mosque by peak4, on Flickr



Great Umayyad Mosque by peak4, on Flickr


Neither are particularly good photos as I only had a little camera with me, but they do give a feel for the place. Sadly its namesake in Aleppo seems to have been destroyed in the recent conflict.

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I'd be quite interested.


I'm not religious at all but I love the buildings and a visit would be nice in the same way it's nice to pop in the cathedral.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Same here, the buildings are very nice, it would be nice to see them from the inside.

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Without being rude, as an atheist, to me they're all just different imaginations. I don't believe any of them exist, have any impact on my life or any influence on how I live.


That said, a lot of people choose to believe, and thankfully we live in a free world, so they're able to. Even better, we live in a very free country, where we aren't forced to follow one religion, and can choose any or none. That's how life should be.


There are literally hundreds of churches in Sheffield. 200+ from memory. There are about 20 mosques I believe.


The population of Sheffield is say 500,000, of which I'd guess 100,000, if that, go to church regularly. I certainly know very few people who do. Most Muslims go to mosque. There are several thousand Muslims, so it's simply supply and demand. They need somewhere to pray to their chosen god.


As for open days, why don't people try open minds! Don't want to go? Then don't. I personally find it interesting, and would hate my children to grow up being small minded bigots. I want them to understand other people, and whether they share opinions or not, they should at least understand them.


That said, I know someone who's sending their child to "a good catholic school" as the children are more likely to be white and not gay. I cried a little inside when I realised such archaic opinions still existed.

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Why aren't Mosques open to all every day?


I would suggest that many probably are, though I've not personally tried to visit any in Sheffield.


I have however tried quite a few churches that are tightly locked up between services.

It's a great shame that they feel the need to, but sadly some folks in our present society seem to have little respect for the property or beliefs of their fellow citizens.


BF, you can obviously type faster than me. :)

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I would suggest that many probably are, though I've not personally tried to visit any in Sheffield.


I have however tried quite a few churches that are tightly locked up between services.

It's a great shame that they feel the need to, but sadly some folks in our present society seem to have little respect for the property or beliefs of their fellow citizens.


BF, you can obviously type faster than me. :)


I do know the mosque on Severn Road in Broomhill has regularly open days and have advertised them here, I don't think they'd ever turn anyone away who turned up on their doorstep.


Thanks peak for your links above, spent the last 15 minutes going through them.


Personally I'm an atheist, but still knocked out by the splendour of religious buildings, the cathedrals in Liverpool being a couple of my faves :)

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