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Mosque open day

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and what if they don't want to communicate with you ?


You're being exceptionally disingenuous Mecky.


Why would I extend an invite to my neighbours asking them over to share in a cuppa and sticky buns with me, for me to ignore them?


That's a 0/10, for common sense, I'm afraid.

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You're being exceptionally disingenuous Mecky.


Why would I extend an invite to my neighbours asking them over to share in a cuppa and sticky buns with me, for me to ignore them?


That's a 0/10, for common sense, I'm afraid.


Unless they were getting something out of it of course

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It is no coincidence that those with narrow minds exhibit a poor comand of English.

A load of crap, It all depends where and to whom you are born.

For example Cambell and his cronies were all born very rich and attended private and so called public schools and so their English is what is thought to be impecable.

Now a lad or lass on the Arbourthorne or Manor does not have that privalage and usualy ends up theeing and thouing but! some of those kids still end up at Uni and then go on to top jobs despite the drawback of having a poor start in the skill of the spoken word.


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 08:46 ----------


Speaking Architectualy only . The Mosque at Heeley looks like a blot on the landscape.


As some one who has been used to applying for planning permision during my time in the building trade I and others have always been shall we say advised that a building must fit in with the surrounding area inc the use of brick and other material used as cladding etc.


Well that advice seems to have been deemed redundant forever by that monstrosity on Woolsey Road,

Its a blot on the landscape and would be if it was a supermarket, garage, snooker hall or any other type of use built in those materials and in that style.

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That's their choice. However, if there is an invitation to an open day, it suggests that the people doing the inviting are interested in meeting others. If they weren't, they might as well keep the doors firmly closed.
I don't think they're really that interested in meeting others from outside their own culture, more that they want to dispel the suspicions about what goes on in their mosques, lull us back into the acceptance people used to have before the terrorist outrages of 9/11 and 7/7 happened.


Muslims often say we should educate ourselves about their religion, as though somehow the more we know the more we'll be ok. I feel it's the other way round, the more I find out, the less I like it. We'd more or less got rid of most of the churches, now they're filling up the gaps with mosques. Bad times.

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This post has gone way off topic. I simply asked if anyone attended the mosque open day. If you did? what was it like? If you didn't, was it because you didn't know about it or it doesn't interest you?


I understand some people don't have any interest in religion or anything to do with it but to me, it was a collective invite to people who may be interested. If you wanted to go, go. If you didn't, fine. Simples :)

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Why aren't Mosques open to all every day?



Why aren't churches in Sheffield open all the time? I thought they were meant to be left open all the time so that people could look round or have a pray if they were so inclined.


Other parts of the country they are always open.


---------- Post added 13-08-2013 at 14:41 ----------


Like Eid in the park?


"They" just did. Did you enjoy it?


I drove past that on Saturday, it was held in Millhouses Park and looked like a really popular event and I'm sure I would have been welcome had I chosen to stop and have a look. I've been invited to share special Eid food by muslims in the past, I think it's part of the culture to be especially welcoming and friendly at Eid.

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