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Mosque open day

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That would be a safety issue wouldn't it? Taking off your shoes I mean, as it would remove your insulation from a ground short.


Exactly, that's why he refused.But the guy just started shouting at him,telling him how disrespectful he was.

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Let me tell you something I've observed: the left wing forsaking all its principles by supporting Muslims and Islam because of a blind hatred of America and Israel. :loopy:


Thats a very good point.

Why the 'left' sympathise with Islam has always bewildered me.

Islam treats females as 2nd class citizens in my opinion. Surely a red wrag to the left ?

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[quote=Plain Talker;9980665

..but they will just dismiss it, with their "well, they would say that..." stance, and continue to peddle their bile, Mel.


I did reply to Mafya

I thanked him for the info and left it at that.



I was wondering,

is there a religeon topic on this site,

where we can openly discuss pro's and cons without it being deleted

what we think and what is not so ?

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I don't think they're really that interested in meeting others from outside their own culture, more that they want to dispel the suspicions about what goes on in their mosques, lull us back into the acceptance people used to have before the terrorist outrages of 9/11 and 7/7 happened.


Muslims often say we should educate ourselves about their religion, as though somehow the more we know the more we'll be ok. I feel it's the other way round, the more I find out, the less I like it. We'd more or less got rid of most of the churches, now they're filling up the gaps with mosques. Bad times.


could not have said it better myself. what has happened to the obvious missing posts???

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